08.08.2019 - 07:29 PM

One of the Ones with That Note in It

Blues begins well, like so many other things in life, this time with a deep aqueous note. After a few minutes, stryax tries to pop out, but is denied. Instead something else is gurling in the bowels of the deep aqueous note. No, NO, NO! It's that note -- the Renuzit/toilet deoderizer note. At 10-15 minutes, the smell of cheap white bowl fragrance has risen to the surface. It's that aggro, wet, cypress nastiness that makes me nauseous. If it's this bad in an hour or two, it's off.

Strangely, Blues gets better. By four hours in, it has settled as an herbal aromatic scent with just the faintest edge. I don't mind it now, but what it took to get here is another matter. The projection has died down to half a foot or so, receding from obnoxious to present to gently detectable.

It slowly and thankfully dies away after this point, I think. Honestly, I don't remember anything after that, and it wasn't because I blacked out. Maybe I had olfactory PTSD. That's what my therapist says, anyhow. I could test it again, but my therapist recommends against it.