Mackie 1991 Eau de Toilette

15.01.2014 - 03:12 PM
Very helpful Review

A Blast From The Past Available Today

Thick and syrupy, a fragrance born from yesteryear, Mackie is not for the inexperienced. Mackie is full, rich and quite enjoyable.
Bodacious with rich spices and bountiful florals, wearing this fragrance will garner compliments and render you helpless in constantly wanting to sniff your wrists. This is a relatively inexpensive fragrance that goes unnoticed on store shelves, yet should be snatched up for its delicious aroma.
The initial blast is forceful. Be careful when you spritz this wonderful juice on yourself. One spray on your wrist, then whooshed through your hair will get you through hours of a delightful vintage-smelling perfume at an equally delightful price.
Peach steals the show continually, along with a ripe fruit scent while the florals wrap around the sides as if you're walking down a blooming garden spring path. Sweet patchouli, warm sandalwood and a sensuous musk complete Mackie with a very gentle powdery finish to make this a cozy perfume to reach for over and over again during the cool winter months.
You'll be pleasantly surprised upon awakening the next morning to sniff traces of lingering Mackie. It's a perfume that stays with you. That's an added bonus for the price. Mackie has that old-fashioned feel to it because it is a full-bodied perfume.
It's not light, it's not fruity, it's not a pear/plum compote with synthetic vanilla tossed on top that dissipates in an hour or two. Does that make Mackie dated? Not at all. It simply makes this a worthwhile addition to your collection. It makes spending your money on a bottle of perfume worthwhile. Why? Because it's a perfume that has lasting power, it's a perfume that is different and it's a perfume that has oomph to it. You won't find many wearing this and that's a good thing. You'll stand out smelling intoxicating.
Mackie stands up to the heavy-hitters of times past. Paloma Picasso, Opium and Poison are all strong perfumes from those decades past and are still going strong. Mackie is a keen competitor and is also still being worn.
This is sweet without being cloying, musky without the attic, floral without the hothouse, spicy without Mediterranean flair. It's such a mix that is blended so expertly, so creamily that you can truly enjoy all of these notes together without any overload. Even the powder effect doesn't take precedence over anything else.