Poule de Luxe - Vanilla Lemon Pie 2006

02.03.2015 - 08:41 PM

Little Sweet Lemony Kiss

Vanilla Lemon Pie by Crazylibellule is one of those little friends I keep in my bag. These "Crazy Sticks" are compact solid stick fragrances that add little more than a light wispy fragrance to the skin but give a special feeling because of their unique mixtures and attention to scent memories. Vanilla lemon Pie reminds me of a cereal we have here in the US called "Fruit Loops" Sugar, loops of lemon and other synthetically derived magic dance on the tongue with milky joy and provide about 80% of our recommended daily sugar allowance...One must enjoy these pleasures as a child would, with out thinking of the consequences dental, dietary or otherwise. The other scent memory this brings to mind is "Juicy Fruit gum". This is somewhat in the same fragrance set as Fresh "Lemon Sugar" or the original Fresh "Sugar" conceptually- young, bright, sweet totally innocent- banishes all evil spirits instantly. The beauty of these little sticks is that they can be mixed and layered readily to create unique and portable signature scents at will. Airline safe and light weight, they never spill. I have had several of these for years now and if properly covered and kept cool, they do not really diminish in scent quality even after 3-4 years. These are skin scents and there is really no way to turn up the volume on the sillage, wear them just to make your heart smile.