Miss Marisa

12.07.2013 - 03:43 PM

Death by Mojito

In spite of its rave reviews in fashion magazines and on the Hollywood Star Fragrance scene, this scent is just an overwhelmingly minty mess for me. It is hard to believe that a roll-on perfume oil concentrate could pack such a punch of sillage, longevity and intensity of the star note, but this one provides a strident mint experience for everyone in the room with you, as well. That is not the worst possible note to encounter, but it is in such excess and so over-stimulating that I very quickly get burned out on the fresh crushed green minty top notes and I want to shower to get away from the smell of toothpaste. I often wonder if my full bottle is made correctly...could this possibly be a practical joke? On the Ebba website the notes are listed as "Wisps of Plum Blossoms and Cassis romance Moroccan Mint and Waterlily". On my skin, this fragrance oil is straight-up mint oil for the first hour to the point that I am almost ill, my DH actually got up and left the room, he couldn't stand it either. Perhaps this might be better on a Man...a rugged lone outdoorsman, wanting avoid mosquitos, and whom is without access to soap, water and toothpaste for long spells.

After a couple of hours the scent mellows out to a fresh mojito type fragrance for several additional hours, comprised mostly of cassis and plum blossom, in a gentle sweet balance that presents as fresh juicy peaches to my nose, with a lower volume minty note persisting until the very end. Unfortunately, I never fully recover from the initial mint oil assault enough to really enjoy this fragrance.