04.02.2015 - 05:05 PM

Ear Drum Splitting Noise...

Before beginning the review, it should be noted that Noise (and its sister compositions Bass and Drone) are compositions that are each inspired by pieces of synthesizer music from presumably top artists in the space. The music composition related to this specific perfume is by artist Ben Frost and can be found at http://vimeo.com/90983123.

Noise opens with a dash of soft black pepper before quickly transitioning to its heart. As the composition enters its early heart a highly synthetic, acrid metallic floral accord emerges and completely dominates the composition, obscuring all but the underlying harsh cedarwood in support. During the late dry-down the extremely irritating synthetic metallic floral accord mostly dissipates, leaving its remnants to meld with slightly sweet amber-infused rough leather to finish off the composition's development. Projection is excellent, as is longevity at well over 12 hours on skin.

The early heart phase of this composition is quite the eye opener, and not in a good way. The extremely strong and irritating synthetic metallic floral accord has "scrubber" written all over it. The sheer annoyance of how bad the primary heart accord smells cannot be emphasized enough, and had wearing the composition not been needed for this review it absolutely would have been "end game" right there. Alas, we soldier on... Luckily things get better about three hours in as the composition gradually moves to its late dry-down. At this point the worst of the floral metallics are spent, and while the composition never quite breaks free of their influence, the late dry-down is much more focused on the leather and amber aspects as they thankfully take center stage through the finish. There just is no getting around the harsh reality that "Noise" the composition is just that, loud, harsh, annoying noise lacking all the building blocks of good music that one's ears perk up to listen. This is the kind of noise you immediately search for ear plugs to block out, or in the case of the composition, a nose clip. The bottom line is the 80 Euro per 30ml bottle Noise proves the least appealing of the three Ephemera compositions with its horrendous smelling floral metallics, earning it a "horrible" rating of 1 star out of 5 and an extremely strong avoid recommendation unless you are a big fan of Ben Frost's music and are willing to subject your nose to all sorts of unending torture to have its fragrance companion piece.