Le Jardin de Fragonard - Rose Ambre 2014

19.01.2024 - 02:51 AM

A Nice Amber

I stumbled on a mysterious sample a friendly Parfuma gave me a few months ago. Scribbled on it was just "Ambre Fragonard". Must be this Rose Ambre as Fragonard doesn't have any other Ambre offering.

Upon first trying, I was delighted by this not too sweet, very comforting amber. I felt the urge to chase down a bottle the next time I am in Paris (which happens to be the day I am writing this).

But then I thought "well it's,well, *reminiscent* of "Ambre | RĂ©miniscence" ...
I tried it yesterday and a few hours later the Reminiscence. And they indeed share a common note, which is more subdued in the Fragonard. I guess it's the patchouli from the note pyramid.
The Reminiscence is on me more floral, more old-school and feminine leaning, and a bit drier. The Fragonard has not that much rose, is a bit sweeter and easier to wear for younger folks. Both have a good longevity. Prices are in the same range, rather cheap. They are marketed for women, and I like them both.

But eventually I feel I don't need both of them. When I'll finish the travel size of the Reminiscent I bought from the very lady that gave me the Fragonard sample, I might go for this one.