La Collection

Armani Privé - Ambre Eccentrico 2015

09.05.2021 - 05:18 AM
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The scent of undressing

Note: My comments are usually quite factual, objective, and even informative at best. The following: rather not.
This comment comes from the naive and naive Jung-Parfumo time, in which fragrances for testing still landed everywhere. It was never posted, as I judged it to be a rip-off. I dug it out again, and decided to post it, as this scent came across me in the playground today, when it was 20 degrees and glorious spring, and ruined my entire day from the start. Therefore, now the decision to leave a small warning there.

"One spray of this scent leaves the freshly purchased bottling. A spray in the crook of the neck, unfortunately on the collar of the sweater, which is followed by a deep, curious breath. But it was to be lost on me. Sticky, dense, suffocating and overwhelming. As if someone had grabbed me from behind and pushed my whole head into a giant pot of "almond tonka cream."
The sticky, sugary mass fills my airways, my lungs, presses my diaphragm against my ribs and screams: Today I take no prisoners!
Taken completely by surprise, I rush out onto the patio and discard my sweater. standing in my backyard in 2°C and swirling snow rain, clad in nothing but a tank top, trying to catch my breath.
The birds are wondering. Fluffed up and grumpy, they sit in the pine tree waiting for better weather. Instead, one of those strange hairless mammals disturbs their peace and yips as it throws clothes."

Retrospectively, I'm sure the birds almost fell out of the tree too, but my memory is veiled and lost in the mist. I have had to dispose of the pully, as I have never been able to get the scent out of the fabric.
I can only suggest to everyone, this fragrance, should one endure it for reasons incomprehensible to me and also still enjoy, sparingly dosed and in no other season than the deepest, darkest winter to execute.
The wave of horror caught me off guard today and caught me cold. I mean, who does that? In the springtime? On a playground! There are young, innocent kids and mostly moms completely hosed from home-schooling/office/workplace whatsoever. And ripping your clothes off doesn't help, unfortunately, when someone else is wearing the scent.