Shalimar Millésime Vanilla Planifolia 2021

30.10.2021 - 08:44 AM
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I love you because you are "you".

Such contrasting reviews arouse my interest. Shalimar and its X Flanker accompany me for a while, some I find successful, others superfluous. I immediately bought this fragrance, which I actually rarely do (and especially for the proud price of 145 CHF!). And two days later purchased another flacon.

I can not get away from it. At the same time I have many fragrances that are more complex, more durable, more interesting. Much I also had to think of Ellena, who resists the claim that a good perfume would be defined, among other things, by a good shelf life. He is much interested in Japan and in the typical Japanese volatility, or transience of the beautiful (which thus also explains, at least in part, that durability is not a particularly great strength of his fragrance compositions, although some of his fragrances always strike a certain chord with me).

This Shalimarflanker will thus certainly be in the sense Ellenas and gradually I can actually make friends with this attitude.

Yes, you have to re-spray a lot, the scent escapes quickly, but at the same time you want it again and again. Yes, he is actually quite simple knit, no particular course, no complexity. What there is to say in relation to the fragrance factually has already been said, but: he has something that triggers a hunting reflex in me, a long time has not driven me a perfume into insomnia, and that too without an understandable explanation. Also, I had resolved to write more factual reviews, but here just happens something that simply can not be explained "factually", you have to experience it.

I am extremely grateful for this flight of fancy, like a day with a person who means a lot to you and whom you will not see again for a long time, a certain simultaneity of joy and melancholy, since this fragrance is limited, go hand in hand with each other.