Adiós Pampamia Mujer 2011

18.01.2024 - 08:18 AM
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Mi Mujer - Radio Paradise

Radio Paradise is my absolute favorite radio station. The music relaxes me, brings me down, gives me a feeling of light-heartedness. My cell phone is always within reach - with music recognition, I never miss a song, no matter how unfamiliar.
So does the song by Nicolas Jaar "Mi Mujer".
When I read the title, I immediately had a scent in my nose that I had owned a long time ago and never heard, read or seen anything about again, and yet I could never forget it. When I watched the video of the song, I had that beautiful scent right in front of my nose again:
An outdoor party location, it's warm and the day is slowly coming to an end. The huge dance floor is surrounded by hazelnut trees. The relaxed party crowd is lightly trampling the fallen green hazelnut leaves. The audience is young, full of testosterone, slightly sweaty, in a good mood and relaxed. Waiting to see what the evening will bring.
The music slowly gets louder. The mood rises - a cool drink in hand. The chill-out music doesn't leave people cold. It's hard to listen to the conversations because the body is vibrating. Not a foot remains still. Some of the party guests chill out by the open wood fire, which warms the mostly bare legs of the female guests as darkness falls and also creates an even more relaxed atmosphere.
The scents of the party guests mingle: slightly masculine, ambery incense, powdery wafts of iris and warm vanilla ... very delicate - not overwhelming. Light, youthful, carefree ... a delight and yet so subtle.
There was certainly something magical about this evening - and I would have loved to have been there ...