Heures d'Absence 2020

Version from 2020
21.08.2023 - 07:23 PM

A Very Basic Floral

For the almost $20 price point of just a sample of this fragrance I was expecting something incredible. Something that would rattle my mind and make me go “Wow! just wow!”

But this smells like a nice designer fragrance. It’s very…basic. And now there’s nothing wrong with a basic lovely fragrance. But when you’re potentially about to pay a fat amount for said fragrance - you’re expecting something better, deeper, more quality, and definitely longer lasting than a designer perfume.

But…that’s what this is. Nothing new. Nothing fun. Nothing worth that amount of money in the slightest. The most I’d spend for this would be $25 and I’m not even kidding. I swear I’ve smelled this composition before time and time again. The sandalwood and balsam are practically non existent . It is far too light to be worth that much. Save your money please, it’s not a bad fragrance but my word it is certainly not worth it.