The President's Hat 2014

14.03.2023 - 06:15 PM

This is not Anna Karenina...

"All happy families are alike, but ..." No. Wait. That's wrong!
"All patchouli fragrances are alike, BUT..." That's more like it :)
Every time I got a new patchouli fragrance, except that first psychedelic one, I said to myself "Never again. They all smell alike".
But, there is that capital BUT. Every perfume that I get, I give it a chance. Actualy, more than one chance. I have a rule "It doesn't matter if I initially dislike the fragrance, I will keep it for a year, and only then decide weather to let it go or keep it".
And with every patchouli fragrance, the story is the same. Initially, I am anoyed as it smells alike other pachouli fragrances, and... in the end I keep them all.
This one is no different. Powerfull, earthy pachouli. A little bit rough in the opening, but smooths out in like 10 minutes. A quality. A niche quality patcouly. Then comes oakmos, and a hint of incense, although it's not listed as a note. And in the background, powder. Actualy, it's more dust. Just like if you opened an old cabined, chest or a drawer. It took me a while to remebemer, but it's exactly that beautiful Habit Rouge "dust".
The sad part is, it's discontinued. I can understand why. This is not for a regular designer bloke. This is, just like the most of pachouly fragrances, for a hard core fragrance junkie.
Yeah, I love this one too.