Amazing Grace Ballet Rose 2017

26.03.2024 - 06:04 PM

Carrot-like freshness

When I smell a rose in real life, the petals have something fresh and earthy to them that smells like a freshly chopped, sweet carrot (I learned this is due to the carotenoids in roses, that cause pigment).

I love rose in fragrances, but not this particular (carrot-y) part of the rose; it's a beautiful experience with a real rose - but when that "carrot" feel is in a bottled fragrance, it feels strange to me.

As a result, this smelled like taking rose-scented diaper cream and serving it with a side of carrots.

The sharpness/carroty-like note did soften pretty quickly, but it was off-putting for me and didn't work for my nose. Would suggest testing at Ulta first before buying a full bottle.