13.04.2022 - 07:24 PM

A Gentleman’s Musky (Dis)Illusion.

While searching for my desired fragrance on Fragrance Net, I added well-received fragrances to my cart as a blind purchase. One of them was Fujiyama Gentleman, a fragrance from the 1990s that is a clone of Jean Paul Gaultier’s Le Male.

Generally, I do not compare a clone to the original in a review. Instead, I will determine whether the clone can stand on its own as a reliable fragrance.


The first thing that comes to mind is that I like the bottle design. A gradient with a unique art déco style reminiscent of older skyscrapers in New York City. If it wasn't for the plastic feel of the atomizer, I wouldn't think the fragrance cost less than 20.00 USD.

The opening smells great, as Gentleman starts with a soft and powdery violet that blends with the calming freshness of lavender with a light touch of vanilla. It's nothing unique, but can't fault with what works.

As the opening fades, the scent becomes very different. A heavy cloud of white musk becomes the dominant note.

Afterward, the musk fades, and what remains is a base note that is calmer and smooth vanilla and cinnamon mixture with a now-lighter musk.

I like the open and base notes, and the fragrance overall adds to the feeling of a classic era. However, I am not a fan of the heart note because of the heavy white musk, and that is enough to make me dislike the scent.

That said, while it is not for me, individuals who love musk, and like classic smelling fragrances on a budget, it will not disappoint you. The fragrance smells like something that came from the post-WWII era or the late 1970s when musk became prominent again.

Finally, Gentleman as a name may show that the fragrance is masculine, but the scent is unisex. A woman can wear this with zero problems.


In terms of performance, Gentleman is a potent fragrance that performs beyond expectations.

The sillage and projection have a moderate range. Gentleman may not light up a room upon entry, but it is a head-turner. Anyone passing by or staying nearby will notice the scent.

In terms of longevity, the fragrance lasted about eight hours on my skin, which goes beyond expectations for an affordable scent.


In terms of social scenarios, do not expect Gentleman to be a daily scent that pulls compliments with little thought or effort. This is a highly situational fragrance.

I do not recommend Gentleman as an office, or summer scent, as musk can become nauseating. In addition, using Gentleman as a gym or active scent is a crime against humanity; the musk makes body odor more unpleasant and worsens the cloying effect.

I also cannot recommend it as a date night fragrance until you know your significant other likes musk as a fragrance note.

Then again, it probably should be at home for different reasons. It can truly shine brightly if the date night involves a carnal and passionate encounter.

Also, while the fragrance has a classic feel, anyone of any age can pull it off in the right situation.


Overall, if I somehow did not make it clear by this point, I am not a fan of Gentleman because I am not a fan of the white musk that dominates during the heart note.

However, I can also see the other side. There are people who love musk as a primary note. This fragrance sings to their beat.

If someone wants an affordable fragrance for special nights with their significant other, a fragrance with excellent performance, or a fragrance that is drastically different from modern fragrances, Gentleman is an absolute steal.


Update on June 27, 2023

Over a year later, the fact I don't like heavy musk stands out further. I ended up giving the fragrance away to my sister, who liked it a lot more than I did.

If Gentleman wasn't so heavily musky, I would have enjoyed it.