Private Blend

Tuscan Leather 2007 Eau de Parfum

06.05.2021 - 06:31 PM
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Long nights short days

When my boyfriend got this scent from his friends for his birthday, I was furious.
He is not particularly interested in perfume and for this reason, I wanted to be the one to pick out a new fragrance for him.
This pissed offness then resulted in a strong bias, I just didn't want to think Tuscan Leather was great.
When he put it on to let me smell it, I told him I thought it was pretty great and blah, but inside I just thought it was stupid.
I was then but at some point alone with the fragrance and just tried to be completely objective without all the bad feelings to go :D
So I smelled and realized that I do not find him so shit, that I actually even like him, even when I perceived him on my friend the next time he liked me (even if I would have chosen an even better :D)
Many say that TL would smell like cocaine, I can't judge that "unfortunately", but I would definitely say that it has a party character.
I perceive it as quite sweet, which is probably due to the raspberry, which gives it something young.
Through the leather and suede notes and the incense, the whole composition gets a musty character what, in my opinion, is intercepted by jasmine and raspberry and thus does not come across stale.
I would not necessarily recommend Tuscan Leather to a family man and I would not recommend it as an everyday fragrance, because it has something very wicked and dangerous about it.
He is sexy, but not in such a "fresh-from-the-shower-sexy" but rather on a "I-have-been-through-all-night-and-don't-stay-for-breakfast-sexy"

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