

CarmenAstra 1 year ago 3
Sample became "Must Have"...
In my opinion, this perfume deserves a review, so I will be the first to write one.
Let's begin by saying that I am not an expert on perfumes, and I am just beginning to understand the concept of layers in a scent.
The only real experience I have with scents is the use and benefits of many essential oils I used to work with when I was a beautician, and from a small collection of perfumes for personal use over the years.

The wonderful scent of A.N. Other WD/18 came to my attention because it was sprayed on silk paper (by means of a sample) in the package of an order of cosmetics I bought online from a small company with niche products in their collection.
I was pleasantly surprised by the scent, which was completely different from the ones I had.
So I kept the box in my studio and every time I passed by and smelled the perfume (it lasted for days) I couldn't help thinking: : "I really have to have this one". But I took my time...
Of course, I eventually ordered a bottle, and I was and still am very pleased with this beautiful piece of art. I consider it my favourite and marked it as my signature scent on this platform.

As for the brand name: I like it. A.N. Other means to me in this context: something different, which I think it is. And the bottle: I consider it to be classy. Often, "less is more". In all its simpleness, it stands out in my collection, as does the scent.

And I am definitely going to try some other perfumes of A.N. Other.