

MudlPlumBad 2 years ago 1
Uninspiring Smell
I am so sorry I cannot stand this perfume. I was given it as a present once and I thought anyone who gives the perfume like this to me stands no chance. O_O You can love something or you can be indifferent to something but in this case I just do not like it full stop. It is quite uninspiring in my opinion. and if I have to think about the smell it reminds me of cat's wee. Even though I did get compliments wearing this. Maybe it does smell different when it is on somebody but I just don't like to smell this smell on me.(
MudlPlumBad 2 years ago 2
Smells expensive but it's not the perfume for me)
This was the first expensive perfume which was given to me as a present. When I smelt it I instantaneously could smell luxury and at the same time I couldn't connect with this perfume on a deeper level. It was way too cold for me if you can call some smell cold.) Nevertheless I need to be fair to Dune it does smell like a luxury perfume should smell and I would feel lovely if things around me smelt of it, something like the magazines I read or the towels I use. o_O
MudlPlumBad 2 years ago 1
Gorgeous sexy smell for some)
I love this smell). It reminds me of designer shoes somehow. It is when something is special but you can't say what exactly is special there. The shoes are shoes but they do have some edge or something which makes them different.) Smell wise Jimmy Choo is like bubblegum to me. The smell is divine on my skin. I remember walking into the lift in the office one day and a total stranger telling me: "Wow! You smell gorgeous." I do know that the smell is different on different people but it does suit me and at the same time I know it will not be the same for everyone. I think it's not only the chemistry between your skin and the perfume, it is also about the perfume's and your personality. You just need to connect on some deeper level. When I want to lift my mood I just take a bottle and smell it.) I don't consider this perfume classic or luxurious but I do love it a lot. It's just special for me.)
MudlPlumBad 2 years ago 2 1
Not Delicious
When I was small I had a deodorant with a green apple smell which I adored. A few years ago I was browsing the net and saw the perfume which looked like a green apple and I decided to read about it and to my delight) I was promised my childhood memory, so I bought it.) But when it arrived I was really disappointed with its smell. It smelt nothing like a green apple. It was quite sharp with a note of a pickled cucumber and this smell made me nauseous. I put it away and I thought maybe I could give it to somebody but quickly ruled it out as you can't give something you really hate. So I decided to give it a go and started wearing it to the office just to scare the people away.) I was surprised when I got some compliments about this perfume. It is quite strong and it does last. When I wear it I can always feel its smell. Somehow it reminds me of cheap colognes men used to wear in the country I grew up. I still did not finish the bottle and I do occasionally put it on when I am in an obstinate mood)) , but I will never repurchase it and frankly be happy when I finish it. If I finish it...)
1 Comment
MudlPlumBad 2 years ago 2
The only perfume I ever had where the smell disappears after one minute
I bought 100 ml bottle of Muddled Plum on MB website and I do regret it as per the price I paid I could have bought any smell I really liked which does have a power to stay on. This is just a lesson for me not to buy a perfume online without testing it first. The actual smell is overpowering and sickly at the very beginning but very suddenly dies off completely within a few seconds. O_O The opening smell reminds me of Christmas pudding made with brandy which was left open or maybe of a bottle of very old perfume which was left for years and eventually it went off. After a few minutes I try to smell it again on my skin and it is just not there. I am quite disappointed with MB Perfumes and EDTs as even the smells I do like don't stay for long. Maybe it is for the better in this case though.