

Nwalker 11 years ago 7 3
40 years and counting
Great reviews about AE. Lots of insights. I stumbled on this forum to find out what the essences arethat I live so much. My sister loves to get letters or hand me downs from me. When my 40 yr old Green Beret was 4 , he came running into the house, stopped in his tracks, and demanded "what is that smell?!?" I asked if it was a good smell or a bad smell. He said "It's a great smell. I love it!" I said "Darlin' a good smell is a fragrance". He repeated it and off he went. I have women and men ask me what fragrance I wear. Always hear lots of compliments.
What i cannot stand is the hand lotion and other incarnations. I put some zero fragrance lotion in my palm, give it a spritz, mix it up and layer it very subtly. I do not have have to use the fragrance everyday because it works so well with my body chemistry it lingers and never overwhelms.
I have received other fragrances over the years ( but never from my husband - he knows ) and I regift or exchange it. I have tried others that give me headaches, sneezing fits, or reason to reshower.
If Clinique has ever changed the formula it is not obvious to me. I am not aware of produce made in Switzerland vs USA - though I did get the embossed bottle. Also found a bulb sprayer which i like.
Thanks for listening. Happy to find your forum
Speaking of Happy m- it smells like Raid to me. For a while they had one that smelled like fresh mown lawn - did di not care for either.
If there is anything else like AE I am not aware of it. Glad I looked for the 'notes'. This complexity and simplicity are a winning combination