

PacPri 2 years ago 1
Very 90s unisex
My first impression of this perfume was Calvin Klein’s CK1 from the 1990s.

The first spray instantly smells like barbershop aftershave.
Then the citrus notes present themselves.
It’s light. It’s crisp. It’s non-offensive.
It smells shower fresh.
It’s a clean, fresh out of the shower kind of smell.

I think this is a good travel scent, when you want to feel really clean and ready to meet new people.
It’s a fresh and friendly scent.
PacPri 2 years ago 1
Retro Perfume, not as fresh as it sounds
When I first opened the cap of this bottle of Innisfree perfume, it smelled like brandy.

Is it the smell of “Ireland”?

If you associate the inside of a 70s pub, then sure.
It’s definitely a time capsule in a bottle.

It smells like if someone spilled brandy on a wooden table.
It dries down to a raisin-rich oatmeal cookie that’s been sitting in a hot tin lunch box all day.
Raisin, metallic, old wool sweater.
It’s also got what I call that “Avon smell.”

It’s a scent I can imagine a teen girl in the 70s would wear to a school dance.
It’s not a sophisticated scent.

It’s not bad, but it’s not necessarily something I would wear every day.

I would wear it on a cold day, while wearing a heavy wool coat. Then I would only wear one spritz on my wrists. Because a little goes a long way.