

Plary81 3 months ago 1
Door Sauvage edt clone
This bottle of Axis is a clone of dior Sauvage. I bought it at random from someone on Mercari for 6 bucks. I had no idea what it was, and still don't know the name unless it's actually Axis for man.
I don't think it's available for purchase anymore and there is very little information available about it. But for the 6 bucks I payed for it, it's well worth the price. It's not as strong, and doesn't last as long but it smells dead on for dior Sauvage edt once it's settled. Don't let the cheap and ugly bottle fool you. If you find a bottle pick it up if it's cheap enough. If anything you can give it to a son or nephew. Most young men will wear anything. I own 100+ fragrances including Sauvage edt, edp, and elixir, and I still wear Axis from time to time. Mostly just to judge it's similarly, but still. I made this review for those who can't find any info on this fragrance.