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Please help!! Real or FAKE?

Please help!! Real or FAKE? 6 months ago

Hi! I’m considering buying the Gris Dior from a lady (much cheaper) but I’m wondering if it’s real or fake? She hasn’t gotten any recites bc she got it as a gift 

6 months ago

The labels have correct double lining and they are glossy and matte where they should be. The inner tube has that thicker piece near the top. The bottle’s bottom should be fairly flat like a pancake, not too curved on the inside. Hard to say from these photos’ angles, but I’m leaning towards legit.

Buying second hand for a too good a deal may be a red flag, though.

6 months ago

You can check with the house itself, I think.  Email their customer service folks your pics, and they should be able to help.

6 months ago

send these pics to Dior's customer service, you will have the reply you need

6 months ago

Best to contact Dior, but if the price's that much lower it's most likely a replica.

5 months ago

If it’s any help, the batch code is legit

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