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Weather Caprioles

Weather Caprioles 12 years ago
What about a weather thread?

At the moment, it is very cold in Germany. It has only 8° Celsius (46,4° Fahrenheit).

That's quite usual for May and we call it the 'Eisheiligen' (ice saints). It comes from the catholic calender of saints, and starting with May 11th, they are Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifazius and at last, "die kalte Sophie" (cold Sophie).

So, I am looking forward to warm weather on Wednesday! Smile
12 years ago
We had a glorious day in Boston yesterday: sunny with a light, warm wind. The temperature was near 80F. Beautiful!

This was after a few days of gray cloudiness and rain, so I appreciated it even more!

Re: Weather Caprioles 12 years ago
What about a weather thread?

At the moment, it is very cold in Germany. It has only 8° Celsius (46,4° Fahrenheit).

That's quite usual for May and we call it the 'Eisheiligen' (ice saints). It comes from the catholic calender of saints, and starting with May 11th, they are Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifazius and at last, "die kalte Sophie" (cold Sophie).

So, I am looking forward to warm weather on Wednesday! Smile

how warm does it get in Germany
Re: Weather Caprioles 12 years ago
What about a weather thread?

At the moment, it is very cold in Germany. It has only 8° Celsius (46,4° Fahrenheit).

That's quite usual for May and we call it the 'Eisheiligen' (ice saints). It comes from the catholic calender of saints, and starting with May 11th, they are Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifazius and at last, "die kalte Sophie" (cold Sophie).

So, I am looking forward to warm weather on Wednesday! Smile

how warm does it get in Germany
Extreme heat can go up to 38° C, that is 100° F.
12 years ago
so Germany can get very hot at summer
but in spring does it get to 70 or no
12 years ago
Yes, sure.
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