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How did you hear about Parfumo? 12 years ago

I'm really curious. Speak up! Smile

Last edited by DonVanVliet on 28.02.2023, 13:39; edited 1 time in total
12 years ago
I was cruising post in Basenotes when someone made mention to Parfumo International. I took a closer look and found that the perfume directory here was much more complete and more comprehensive. I thought it was worth a try.
12 years ago 1
I was cruising post in Basenotes when someone made mention to Parfumo International. I took a closer look and found that the perfume directory here was much more complete and more comprehensive. I thought it was worth a try.

Same here. I believe the directory is superior and the site needs some time to develop.
12 years ago
Facebook Cool
12 years ago
Facebook Cool

oh well this is a possibility I never considered since I don't use community sites like that *ha*
12 years ago
I also got the tip from friends on the facebook-fume groups
12 years ago
Sherapop posted it on one of the groups on Facebook. Cheers!
12 years ago
Found a link in a post on Fragrantica's forum... I was really impressed with this site so I registered immediately. Smile
12 years ago
sherepop posted! <3 that gal!
12 years ago
I cannot lie, it was via Facebook.
12 years ago
Thanks to Sherapop.

Now I have found the perfect perfume site and I'm surrounded with amazingly friendly perfume lovers. BRILLIANT!
12 years ago
Sherapop on Facebook too Very Happy
12 years ago
Sherapop's post in our Facebook group, of course!
12 years ago
I'm an avid reader of the German parfumo, so it would have been difficult not to know there was an international site now as well. And as I'm curious I had to have a peek or two... or maybe a dozen?!
12 years ago
Someone mentioned it in a post on Basenotes.
12 years ago
On three separate occasions during the past month while searching for reviews, I came across this excellent site and then decided to join. Idea
Actually, I don't remember 11 years ago
What is happening though is that not many people notice nor the excellent reviews that are published here. The website gets lost in the depths of a search.

Yesterday, I asked about that on the German site,, concerning a strong review of Decennial - Lys du Desert. Apicius and DonVanVliet suggested the German Google, and sure enough, what I was looking for showed up on the first page. _id=2b&xhr=t&q=Lys+du+Desert+Tauer&pf=p&tbo=d& sclient=psy-ab&oq=Lys+du+Desert+Tauer+&gs_l=&p bx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.135553 4169,d.dmQ&fp=122c3497a49728c4&bpcl=40096503&b iw=1360&bih=671

Click on to the last (seventh) picture of the bottle.
Scroll down further to ninth place.

Thus, as visibility depends on many hits (visits), the Administrators suggested to mention with a link when owners of a private blogsite have an occasion to write about the happenings in the perfume world and Parfumo.

Here is the whole conversation (in German): 8243
Last edited by Pipette on 31.12.2012, 21:58; edited 1 time in total
11 years ago
I was cruising post in Basenotes when someone made mention to Parfumo International. I took a closer look and found that the perfume directory here was much more complete and more comprehensive. I thought it was worth a try.

Same here. I believe the directory is superior and the site needs some time to develop.

Raising my hand.
11 years ago
Just for kicks, I searched a few perfume in the Basenotes Fragrance Directory that were missing well over a year ago. Guess what, they are still missing. Some of these perfumes were issued well over five years ago. I'm not sure to why their directory is so out of date.

I'm quite happy here at Parfumo International. Very Happy

p.s. Sorry for the smiley face, Apicius.
11 years ago
I, like many others saw a post about the site on Basenotes.
11 years ago
Saw it on Basenotes but joined after I got an invite from one of the Mods.
11 years ago
Parfumo will be the most concise and intelligent location to gather fragrance information not far into the future.

This is not a knock on the other 2 big sites. Hell, I loved Basenotes for awhile, but things change.

Take a good look at the reviews and compare them to other sites. You can see rather plainly the pattern that's developing and the effort by reviewers here as opposed to xyz and abc.

Just as important, look at the lack of arrogance in our forums. Yes, the community will become larger and numerous "personalities" may emerge from that, but that said, the members here now are the most awesome and mannerly that I've had the pleasure to interact with.
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