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Parfumo Received Written Warning

Parfumo Received Written Warning 10 years ago
Hello all,

I'd like to inform you that Parfumo has received a written warning due to an alleged violation of copyright.

The reason is the naming of a word in several perfumes which has been registered as a brand in Germany last year. The respective perfumes are available since 2007, however, this may not not be relevant according to copyright laws.

The case has been handed over to Parfumo's lawyer and we hope for a positive ending.

Currently, the person who claims to be the copyright holder takes action in Germany against the concerned perfume house, retailers, perfume shops - and Parfumo.
10 years ago
What exactly are you referring to?
10 years ago
Aromi, I believe he is referring to Proposals. Can't use the forbidden word for now.
10 years ago
I am referring to this here:
10 years ago
How come other perfume related sites (Fragrantica for example) can use it?
10 years ago
How come other perfume related sites (Fragrantica for example) can use it?

They are not located in Germany and not subdued to the German copyright laws and procedures.

Lawyers who make their money with written warnings are a nuisance over here. This issue will cost Parfumo some money.
10 years ago
I am really sorry that something like that could happen. Is not a good news for them, that a lot of people descry their fragrances just here? It is a good free advertising!
10 years ago
I am really sorry that something like that could happen. Is not a good news for them, that a lot of people descry their fragrances just here? It is a good free advertising!

Well the people from S***** did not protect their brand name in time by getting it registered. Now, some person in China claims to be the owner of that brand name. We will see what the outcome will be. Don has contact to the concerned perfume house as well as some of the German online shops who sold these perfumes.

Until the matter has been clarified, the S-word is taboo at Parfumo!
10 years ago
Seems ridiculous that Parfumo cannot use their name. In a way , it's free advertising for them on your site. Now, no one knows what it is if they happened upon it. It's really their loss. And it's a shame that Parfumo will have to pay out money for this, too.
10 years ago
"Never a moment of peace" on the Internet as everything quickly typed in then written in stone cyberspace.

They should have been glad about free advertising.
I predict business failure for this company 10 years ago
Seems ridiculous that Parfumo cannot use their name. In a way , it's free advertising for them on your site. Now, no one knows what it is if they happened upon it. It's really their loss. And it's a shame that Parfumo will have to pay out money for this, too.

This is just crazy. They get free advertising and increased web presence from Parfumo! What company doesn't want that????
Re: I predict business failure for this company 10 years ago
Seems ridiculous that Parfumo cannot use their name. In a way , it's free advertising for them on your site. Now, no one knows what it is if they happened upon it. It's really their loss. And it's a shame that Parfumo will have to pay out money for this, too.

This is just crazy. They get free advertising and increased web presence from Parfumo! What company doesn't want that????

No, this is not what the alleged copy right owner intend in such a case. It is simply a way to make money, and some law firms have specialized in that kind of business. I doubt that this lady from China will ever successfully roll out her products over here.

Don has contact to the lawyer of the S-brand who now hopefully take every effort to get out of that situation. In case they should win we can probably restore that brand name.

Once again: it is not the S-brand who have complained about their name being used on Parfumo. It is a third party wo claims to be the copyright owner of that brand name.
10 years ago
So if I understand this correctly: Someone else says they own the copyright to "S". The person who is currently marketing "S" never copyrighted it, (their mistake), so are they now pulling their products from the shelves? Or re-naming them? Because if someone else says they own the name, why would someone want to continue marketing a product under a name that they don't own?
10 years ago
So if I understand this correctly: Someone else says they own the copyright to "S". The person who is currently marketing "S" never copyrighted it, (their mistake), so are they now pulling their products from the shelves? Or re-naming them? Because if someone else says they own the name, why would someone want to continue marketing a product under a name that they don't own?

That is correct.

However, I have no information that the S-brand will withdraw all of their perfumes from the shops. Presumably this issue might go to court with good chances to win for S*** but this is only hearsay.
10 years ago
So if I understand this correctly: Someone else says they own the copyright to "S". The person who is currently marketing "S" never copyrighted it, (their mistake), so are they now pulling their products from the shelves? Or re-naming them? Because if someone else says they own the name, why would someone want to continue marketing a product under a name that they don't own?

It's just another instance of soulless, shameless internet profiteering, like when people gobble up a domain name and then sell it for a large sum to a party who can actually use it.

Like that message to the bicycle thief, I hope the S brand takes the Chinese lady straight to Hell. Tee hee hee. Kidding (sort of). omain_names
10 years ago
Where are old fashioned manners? Trouble always seems to be about grabbing some money…. and not caring what wake of damage or expense is caused to others. Silly woman should just have had a quiet word with S**** and they might have settled with a payment anyhow if she had a point. This sort of thing makes everyone dig their heels in and only the lawyers win. I suppose that is the real purpose.
9 years ago
It's actually funny because the word, spelled differently, means religious leader. So who can claim that as their own? It's like that woman that sued another perfume company because they used the word "peace" in their perfume name. Who can own such things???
9 years ago
Nearly a year ago. Was this resolved?
9 years ago
The name is still blocked out so It doesn't look like it.
9 years ago
If I post a personal picture of this product will it still be under infringement? Do I need to block out the name in order to post?
9 years ago
Parfumo can only accept the pictures if the censored word is not visible in the photo, so yes, please block it or turn the bottle Wink

Idiotic as it sounds, the person starting this all seems pretty much nuts to me. Laughing
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