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What flowers are blooming where you live?

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9 years ago
Is it a little crocus? Hey, wait a minute! What happened to all the snow? Bummer.

The Dandelions that grow wild down here are very small and a bit sparse.
Genetically modified plants! Wink Well, modified by a lawn mowers. In suburbia most dandelion seeds that survive to mature and propagate are short and the flower stems tend to grow horizontally rather than vertically. Nature will find a way.
9 years ago
"Genetically modified plants! Wink Well, modified by a lawn mowers. In suburbia most dandelion seeds that survive to mature and propagate are short and the flower stems tend to grow horizontally rather than vertically. Nature will find a way."

9 years ago

Briarthorn, I wish more people would get excited about science rather than willfully ignoring that it is the foundation of... ...everything! I'll stop before the thread takes on a contentious edge. Cryptic, have you started harvesting stamens from that crocus for paella? Wink The few that pop up around here have a VERY slight saffron smell.

More native plants flowering around here. Redbud trees. The flowers have a faint tuberose scent but the woody parts have a noticeably green yet sweet, just beyond ripe apple fragrance. BTW, not my photo of redbud

Also, Carolina Jessamine is blooming. The flowers have a tarragon/anise scent with a latex like indolic quality. On warm, still days the fragrance radiates from the vines and smells beautiful.
9 years ago
Dogwoods and azaleas are making our neighborhood over in a riot of color. But the best smelling flowers in bloom right now, Carolina cherry laurel, aren't much to look at. If Mother Nature made a designer label, fruity/floral fragrance this would be it.
9 years ago
Thanks for sharing Greysalon. I haven't noticed much blooming around here lately. However, there is an amazing and beautiful Jacaranda that is in full bloom a few blocks away. It's on my daily commute so I haven't sniffed it, but it is so beautiful to look at. And it makes the prettiest purple street corner where the flowers drop and blanket everything under it. Gorgeous. I'm not just saying that because purple is my favorite color...

I've also seen the Golden trumpet trees, Tabebuia chrysotricha blooming. They are used in landscaping all over down here, mostly in parking lots and in a few yards. They are mostly yellow but I've noticed more of the pink variety this year and a few trees of the silver variety.

The Orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata (I think the common name is Phanera varigata) is also starting to bloom. So pretty and delicate looking.

I miss the Azaleas in the spring. They were all over Central, FL but I haven't seen any down here in south FL. It's probably too warm. I'm surprised there's no Oleander down here either, they should be blooming about now too I think.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Such a beautiful scene! Thanks for sharing.

My Plumeria finally bloomed and me 5yr old broke off the inflorescence Sad so sad
9 years ago
The magnolias are blooming and boy, do they stink. Unlike you lucky Southern duckies we don't have the Grandifloria variety which has such a great fragrance. Our cultivar smells sort of like a crushed stink bug. :/
9 years ago
The magnolias are blooming and boy, do they stink. Unlike you lucky Southern duckies we don't have the Grandifloria variety which has such a great fragrance. Our cultivar smells sort of like a crushed stink bug. :/

Eww. That's a shame. There aren't to many Magnolias down here. My Queen Palm is blooming again. I don't get much of a scent from it but it always drives our allergies crazy
9 years ago
The magnolias are blooming and boy, do they stink. Unlike you lucky Southern duckies we don't have the Grandifloria variety which has such a great fragrance. Our cultivar smells sort of like a crushed stink bug. :/

Eww. That's a shame. There aren't too many Magnolias down here. My Queen Palm is blooming again. I don't get much of a scent from it but it always drives our allergies crazy

Cryptic, sorry your magnolias are all stanky. You're absolutely right about the scent of Magnolia Grandiflora; it's one of my favorite floral smells. Not only is the scent incredible but the flowers are nearly as big as a dinner plate and the trees are huge, majestic evergreens. Our neighborhood has lots of Magnolias and on hot, still days when they're in bloom it's like Mother Nature has opened the best perfume shop in the world. We've got about another month before they bloom.

Briarthorn, it's rained a lot this spring so we caught a break with pollen season. Normally, we have about a 3-7 day period when pollen swirls through the in air in huge dusty clouds. Everything ends up coated in sticky, putrid yellow-green pollen grains.

Japanese Honeysuckle has begun to bloom. On cool, damp nights you'd swear Olivia Giacobetti has come out with a new, watery floral fragrance. I just wish the vine wasn't so invasive.
9 years ago
My snake plant is blooming and it smells so amazing!
9 years ago
My hot pink/fuchsia roses peeped out this morning and I was caught off guard by their exuberance. Here in the Pacific Northwest US- we have just survived another neon-golden hued yellow-vicious Ginestra/Scotch Broom outbreak (considered and invasion weed here-most people are allergic to it- everyone's sneezing and crying... but Santa Maria Novella makes fantastic Cologne called "Ginestra"). The other thing that popped out yesterday on the roads is beautiful pastel pink Lupines. So we're "Pretty in Pink" here, you might say!
9 years ago
My hot pink/fuchsia roses peeped out this morning and I was caught off guard by their exuberance. Here in the Pacific Northwest US- we have just survived another neon-golden hued yellow-vicious Ginestra/Scotch Broom outbreak (considered and invasion weed here-most people are allergic to it- everyone's sneezing and crying... but Santa Maria Novella makes fantastic Cologne called "Ginestra"). The other thing that popped out yesterday on the roads is beautiful pastel pink Lupines. So we're "Pretty in Pink" here, you might say!

It sounds magical. I've been trying to get my husband to move to Oregon or Washington for ages. It's a battle that I lost before I started, but it's fun to needle him about it. It sounds so beautiful up there.
9 years ago
The freaky bat plant is in bloom and I can scarcely contain myself. Shocked
9 years ago
That is such a cool plant Cryptic!
9 years ago

Japanese Honeysuckle has begun to bloom. On cool, damp nights you'd swear Olivia Giacobetti has come out with a new, watery floral fragrance. I just wish the vine wasn't so invasive.

Do you get a long bloom season for this one?
5 years ago
My blue wisteria is nearly finished blooming and early bourbon roses Zephirine Drouhin in bloom this week
5 years ago
Irises (that are nearing the end, sadly) and freshly blooming roses.
5 years ago
Cold november day one last rose in the garden.
3 years ago

Pink rose.

3 years ago

My lavender are starting to bloom again.

3 years ago

A looooot of hydrangeas over here in Beirut. Can find them at almost any flower shop:)

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