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Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves 8 years ago 1
Hi everyone. I went to my bank this morning, and as usual, there was a long line of people and only two tellers. Over the years, this has become one of my pet peeves. It made me wonder what are some of yours?

Besides long lines at the bank with not enough tellers, some of my other pet peeves are as follows.

--Drivers who are close to the red light and who have a lot of drivers behind them who also want to make the light, yet the driver in front sits after the light turns green;

--People who do not wash their hands after using the loo;

--People who talk during a film at cinema;

--B&BW stores in open air shopping centres that leave their doors open whilst their HVAC is running. Do not they care that we have a very real energy crisis in the world?
8 years ago 1
When you are entering a shop or on your way to walk out of it and people just let goes of the door in your face, very unpolite.
Why can't people try to hold up the door for each other? It's not so difficult...

And drunk people when you are walking home by night, I really hate it. One person even crushed a bottle in front of me once.

When the bus driver starts driving before you taken a seat

I have a friend and we were on the cinema, and he commented on the movie the whole time... Afterwards I told him it was not acceptable but he didn't seem to understand. Embarassed
7 years ago
Plastic perfume atomizers. The ones I've encountered are so shoddy that the perfume inside evaporates within about six months, and I actually care about the fact that they aren't biodegradable.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
True! Smile

Normally I don't wish for colder weather, but we have yet another storm coming tonight and I fervently hope to get snow as opposed to ice. Those ice storms are the worst.

Pet peeve: able-bodied people who don't clear their sidewalks. Grrr.
6 years ago
Having too many, won't start counting but just the one that came to mind: People directly standing (outside) in front of the train/bus doors (and often seem to have turned to salt pillars) when they know passengers are going to get off.
People who energetically cough all the time into all directions without covering their mouth with something (mask, handkerchief, whatever) and spreading their illness, especially in closed spaces like public transport/waiting rooms where one cannot evade. This contamination is so unnecessary and affects other people's lives (especially those with weaker immune systems), although it can be avoided easily with a little mindfulness of a few people.
2 years ago

People glued to their phones not looking where they're going, have been tempted to trip them up not gonna lie.

Groups of people on a single path who refuse to move out the way when I need to go past them.

People who use public walkways for their bikes/scooters when there's blatantly a road they can use.

Random men catcalling me on the street kindly mind your own business.

People not saying thank you to cashiers they're people too a little kindness makes a lot difference.

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