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11 years ago
Sad Larry Hagman has died.

Everyone's talking about "Dallas", but his real claim to fame was
"I Dream of Jeannie"!
11 years ago
Thanks Olga, that's just what I needed, a little comic relief after working like a DAWG for the TWO days after Thanksgiving.

And burning calories like crazy in the process, I'm sure! (I need this kind of job.)
11 years ago
Sad Larry Hagman has died.

Everyone's talking about "Dallas", but his real claim to fame was
"I Dream of Jeannie"!

You took the words out of my mouth. I don't think I saw more than two episodes of Dallas. I'll always remember him as Major Nelson. Smile
11 years ago
When I have days off, I shop like crazy. I have 5 days off, including Black Friday. It took all my willpower not to go apeshit at the stores. I "compensated" by purchasing groceries and perfume sample sets online.

I saw a video of women fighting over towels at a Walmart. A little girl was shoved in the process. Really!? I bought towels from there before, and they fall apart within a few months.
Last edited by Hayven on 25.11.2012, 14:53; edited 1 time in total
11 years ago
No wonder this country's economy is going down the toilet....people buy shit they don't need with the money they don't have.
11 years ago
No wonder this country's economy is going down the toilet....people buy shit they don't need with the money they don't have.

Damn Stright Smile
11 years ago
We're supposed to get our first snow of the season tomorrow, yay!

It's only supposed to be 1-3 inches, so we can enjoy the beauty without a big hassle. Very Happy
11 years ago
We already got our snow last night! Evil or Very Mad
I told my husband not to sign a contract for the snow plow service yet, because last winter it was a complete waste of money. Now I am hoping it won't be too bad and I can handle it with a shovel , or I will have to take it back.
11 years ago
That mild winter last year was a gift. My husband tore his meniscus about a year ago and had to have surgery. I have no idea what we would have done with a crapton of snow. I'm good to clear the sidewalk in front but the driveway is way too long for me, even with a snowblower. Where do I pick up my Wimp of the Year award?
11 years ago
I did the shoveling for 2 winters,but then I decided screw it! When I have to be at college at 8 in the morning and getting up super early to shovel because i can't get out of the driveway was a nightmare! And on top of that I had to scrape both of our cars ( as you all know my hubbby is not cut out for anything physical without f**ing things up or injuring himself).

With the snow plow service, you prepay for the season, so if there is no snow, you might as well wipe your behind with $ 400-500.
11 years ago
You guys, please don't consider yourselves wimps or anything shameful because you're complaining about shoveling show. Out here in the snow-less zone, we absolutely marvel at people's willingness to shovel their driveways in order to leave home in the morning. It's unfathomable to me that this could be an accepted part of anyone's daily life. I humbly bow down to the heartier stock of the snow zones. You are a superior strain of the human race. No joke.
11 years ago
we got just rain and sleet
11 years ago
No snow for me, either.

Dulce, if you're fit enough to push a lawnmower you could manage a snowblower. If you didn't want to be bothered, you would just hire a service or even a neighborhood kid to do it. The only people who have trouble are the elderly, and around here their neighbors shovel and clear for them.
11 years ago
I live in a condo, so the snow is cleared for us by the association (and are paid by association fees). When I lived at home, I used the snowblower to help clear the driveway; most of the time I used a snow scoop. I suppose being young had to do with it, but I rather enjoyed shoveling, even if I had to do it before work. I found the task relaxing. I'm a weirdo.
11 years ago
I am not looking forward to snow. I have to shovel my walk, driveway and clean the car before I go to work. It gets harder every year, I suppose its because I don't have as much energy as I used to. I always get stuck at work late on snowy days which means my son is at the sitter longer and is cranky by the time I pick him up. This too shall pass.
11 years ago
Finally came round to visiting a place in London that I had wanted to check out for ages … and it sure did not disappoint! - (The company was rather delicious too)
If you happen to come to my neck of the wood, make sure this is on your agenda.
It is a mind-blowing cornucopia of artefacts and fine art, including several Turner, and a sarcophagus from the Valley of the Kings.
John Soane's collection of paintings was so large that he actually invented a clever shutter system whereby entire walls could be peeled open to reveal more art-covered surfaces.
11 years ago
Finally came round to visiting a place in London that I had wanted to check out for ages
Thanks for this tip, Dolby. My last trip to London is ages ago - I should give it a thought and come over for a few days.
11 years ago

If you happen to come to my neck of the wood, make sure this is on your agenda.

If my son goes to school #1 I just might make it there some day!
11 years ago
Nothing highbrow for me today, we took the grandchildren on the Bluebell Railway for a Santa Special. Turkey sandwiches and mince pies (plus a hipflask for the grown-ups!)

11 years ago
Hello Oh Smelly One!

That looks like a lot of fun x (Finding it very hard to imagine you as a Grandmother!)
11 years ago
Finally came round to visiting a place in London that I had wanted to check out for ages … and it sure did not disappoint! - (The company was rather delicious too)
If you happen to come to my neck of the wood, make sure this is on your agenda.
It is a mind-blowing cornucopia of artefacts and fine art, including several Turner, and a sarcophagus from the Valley of the Kings.
John Soane's collection of paintings was so large that he actually invented a clever shutter system whereby entire walls could be peeled open to reveal more art-covered surfaces.

I don't like that part of London but will definitely visit this museum ! Thanks for bringing it up . Piranesi’s Paestum in February sounds great !
11 years ago
Running short of ideas for Christmas pressies?
You'll be pleased to know that it also comes in blue, for boys. Shocked

11 years ago
You gotta love the Japanese. Now, if that showed up in America you'd have angry mobs armed with torches and pitchforks storming the local WalMart.
11 years ago
Hello Darling D x

Pretty Death! Haha ha! But I bet those sequins chafe!

BTW is that a new squeeze you are referring to at the museum Wink ?
11 years ago
Running short of ideas for Christmas pressies?
You'll be pleased to know that it also comes in blue, for boys. Shocked

What the hell is this used for? Putting Hello Kitty dolls to death? What?
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