Sweden Sweden

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

Parfumo knows 13 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.1 of 10 on average. 294 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
SG79|STHLM stands for Sibyllegatan 79 in Stockholm, the address of the beauty company that launched the perfume brand - Romella International AB.

Romella's product range is broadly diversified, and with SG79|STHLM, its niche fragrance line "made in Sweden" was created in 2015 under the motto "Fine fragrance - Fine art." The reference to art is mainly in every creation, as the source of inspiration for perfumers were photographs by DAWID (Björn Dawidsson, born in 1949) - a renowned Swedish artist & photographer.

Dawid's works have been exhibited in many national and international museums and galleries and are represented in several important art collections, including in this country, at the Folkwang Museum Essen. Dawid already attracted attention in the 1970s, but his legendary series "Rust" from 1983 is considered revolutionary and influential for the photography scene, especially in Scandinavia. Shadowless, rusting objects against a white background made the public puzzle, marvel, and rediscover everyday reality.

SG79|STHLM perfumes, however, are about disturbing modern shots of Stockholm - in line with the brand name. These images, created by the special gaze of the artist behind the camera, gave the perfume creators numerous impulses to create the fragrances - according to the SG79|STHLM homepage. In addition to this, perfumes were later launched on the market that were based on flower photos instead of urban motifs - the pictures each show a distorted lily flower that glows in neon green, red or yellow.
Content by FlorecillaFlorecilla

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