Sauvage 2015 Eau de Toilette

11.01.2021 - 05:04 PM
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I associate this life motto with this perfume. It is for me an extraordinary fragrance that combines a pinch of adventure with a touch of freedom! It awakens the spirit of adventure and the urge for freedom in a man! For me, wearing this fragrance is a statement for the free and adventure-seeking man! He arouses so enthusiasm and admiration at the same time! A truly magical fragrance!
I wear this fragrance very often when I go out in the evening and want to feel the freedom!
I must admit that I apply more of this fragrance than necessary, but if already, then already! The reactions of my environment are not long in coming! Of course, many other men perceive this fragrance. So I often hear: "My boss also wears this scent!" "I got this fragrance as a gift from my girlfriend last week!" "This scent is Sauvage!" These reactions confirm what can be read in many comments here, the scent is absolutely mainstream! And even men who are not as intensely into perfume as we are are now familiar with this scent! This is an indicator for the insane success of Sauvage! But should I stop wearing this fragrance because of that? Does it lose its brilliance and above all its very special aura because of its extraordinary success? I've often asked myself these questions, too! I'm thinking....
But there are other reactions as well! I am a person who loves life and freedom, who likes going to parties, attending concerts and frequenting bars and pubs. Of course I wear Sauvage, among other things, to these occasions! I often come into contact with many groups of people at these events and often see a reaction. Many notice the smell of my perfume despite the crowds. Some of them (mainly women) then approach me because of the extraordinary scent! "But you smell good!" "What great perfume are you wearing? "What's the name of your perfume?" This shows how enchanting this fragrance is and emphasizes its intense S/H! You can also see in other places like stairwells, elevators, restaurants, etc that many fellow people notice this scent. Of course, I don't want to rule out that some find the scent too intense, just don't like it or find it too intrusive! But he is immediately perceived and moves the environment...
But the most important thing is, the fragrance pleases me way too much, embodies my attitude to life and just fits me! That's why I wear it, although it is now absolutely mainstream! Because this is the true and only reason that decides on my perfume, I have to identify myself 100% with my fragrance, no matter how good or bad the others find him!
Sauvage belongs in my personal top 3! It is after Fleur Du Male (Gaultier) and even before Noir Extreme (Tom Ford) my personal number 2!
I find, one can carry this smell actually to all occasions, I would use it personally however rather for the evening and/or for the night, if one(n) goes out! Who applies this fragrance also times too thick, should not be surprised that you smell immediately noticeable and from the (people) mass stands out or is addressed by the recognition! I had many nice encounters during my night tours and some of them committed with the magical scent of Sauvage! I like the original fragrance much better than its successor, but that's a matter of taste as so often!
The extraordinary secret of success of this perfume is, in my opinion, the ingenious marketing combined with a magical scent! When many asked me the name of the fragrance, I simply said it was Johnny Depp's perfume! Immediately, everyone knew! That's how catchy the Johnny Depp commercial was! Well, and also a Johnny Depp once often embodied the life motto BE WILD AND FREE in his big movie roles...