Hugo 1995 Eau de Toilette

07.01.2018 - 07:57 AM
Very helpful Review

Smells of memories past

If I smell sandalwood, I instantly think of my father. If I smell Tommy Girl, I think of my first crush. Smells do that, they hone in on times, situations and people. That's also true with Hugo.

The smell is 1996, the soundtrack is Brit Pop and the attire is jeans, Burberry shirts and a Harrington jacket. The overwhelming smell is fresh, but not really one dimensional; there are a few spicy, zesty and fruity notes there, lingering in the background.

Hugo will always be a classic for me, I think it was the first 'real' aftershave I owned, but it's an aftershave for 15 year old me. It's the aftershave of parties, school discos and furtive, nervous kisses. When I smell it now, it smells dated, but I don't know whether that's because my tastes have changed or because everyone's tastes have changed.

A few years back I bought a bottle for nostalgia's sake, but I soon discovered that I could no longer pull it off. Great for evoking memories past, but definitely a young man's scent in my opinion.
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