TJ Maxx had it for $20
So I grabbed it. Complete blind grab, but what the hell, right? I just finished watching Tom Brady win his 7th Super Bowl, so it’s bath time. After a long, hot shower, I give it a shot (actually 5), right before bed.
Honestly, it reminds me of the original Cool Water. It’s got a REALLY soapy, freshie vibe, with a hint of some green notes. Personally, it feels like one of the “I wish I smelled like GIT” scents on the market, but much closer to Cool Water. Seriously, when I smell my wrist, I picture a post workout shower. The kind that follows an intense workout, completely going 200%, sweating head to toe. A LOT of strong soap, and some serious scrubbing. As the opening fades, it really reminds me of Tres Nuit, as it’s not as green as GIT. It feels like an evolutionary scent; in between Cool Water and Tres Nuit... soapier than TN, but not as soapy as CW. Does that make sense?
Performance wise, it’s quieter than all of the previous comparisons, with the opening being the loudest state. Sillage is minimal, and projection wise, it’s pretty much a skin scent from drydown and beyond. Longevity is also a non-factor, but at $20, you shouldn’t be complaining.
I’lol rock this on a scorching hot day in the sun, when I know I’m gonna be sweating. No more, no less.