Vanilla Touch

16.04.2024 - 05:44 PM
Very helpful Review
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I carry you on everything.

I have loved and breathed vanilla for as long as I can remember.
I sweeten my coffee with vanilla syrup, have a weakness for vanilla crescents and vanilla sticks, could sometimes eat a packet of cold vanilla sauce from a tetra pack for breakfast.

The first fragrance I bought and opened my interest in the world of perfumes was the Lord of Misrule Perfume a wintery vanilla patch scent.
When I met a young woman who told me in an aside how much she loved vanilla (and vanilla fragrances), I set out to find the purest, purest vanilla fragrance possible. I was pretty bare at the time and was delighted when I saw Vanilla Touch in my trusted drugstore.
The first time I sprayed it, I was convinced. THAT was the closest thing to an intense, sugary vanilla.
Unfortunately, the fragrance wore off after just 2 hours...which frustrated me a little.
So I started layering Lord of Misrule Perfume with Vanilla Touch: Lo and behold - the fragrances blended incredibly well together and added a long-lasting vanilla to the patch base of one of them!
I kept experimenting...and soon I realized that Vanilla Touch may not be a particularly powerful fragrance on its own, but for the small money, it really comes into its own when you mix it with other fragrances, if you (like me) are a vanilla fanatic for whom there can't be enough of that soft, creamy sweetness.
This is a fragrance to layer, to try out and to experiment with.
Vanilla sugar to go, so to speak.
We will be spending a lot more time together.