28.10.2023 - 10:06 PM


The risk with hyped up fragrances is, that we often expect a lot from them and just as often jump on them sight unseen/unsmelled. After I got burnt a few times I cleaned out my YouTube subscriptions - I now follow a handful of very knowledgeable, trustworthy reviewers - and get samples/ decants whenever possible. That doesn't mean I don't, on occasion, get very excited about a perfume if it's shown a lot and seems interesting.

That's where Mohra comes in. I'd been wanting to try this in forever, but couldn't get a 2ml sample below €4 (I honestly think the prices for these tiny decants in plastic sprayers are often ridiculous for fragrances that are this cheap, but that's another discussion altogether). Finally I managed to acquire a small decant this week and I basically knew enough after one spray. However, good reviewing consists of wearing the fragrance as often and within as many variable circumstances as possible. So I did.

My opinion, sadly, stayed the same. Mohra can't suffer from a lack of maturation, as it's a decant (those are rarely fresh as a daisy), meaning that the very disappointing projection, sillage and longevity are part of its DNA.
It won't leave a scent trail and the projection is intimate, becoming a soft skin scent after an hour. Layering with an oil or very good lotion will amp all that up a tad, but never to suddenly reach average performance, let alone above.

Now, I actually know of quite a lot of people who don't care about projection and sillage if they love the scent, and who drop their longevity wish as well when fragrances are as cheap as Mohra. Thus, for those people I'll describe the actual scent.

I do have to give credit where credit is due: Lattafa's Penhaligon's Halfeti Cedar inspiration/twist is marvellously blended. It is smooth, and individual notes are difficult to pick out. Those of us with a trained nose will most likely notice a bit of saffron, lavender, pepper and cedarwood (on my skin), but all in all the juice is mostly giving the idea of one fully cooked scent.

That's, unfortunately, where my compliments end. Don't get me wrong, Mohra isn't awful, disgusting, screechy, too synthetic, juvenile, or the opposite. No, in all honestly, there's nothing wrong with the fragrance. But... there is nothing really right with it either. It doesn't do *anything* for me.
The often mentioned cola note is definitely there. Mohra opens with that strongly, softly supported by a hint of saffron and an even softer touch of black pepper - so soft thàt's gone in a jiffy as well. That's sort of nice ish, but not exactly making me eager to sniff my arm again.

When the cola accord becomes a little less obvious, the lavender is easier to pick out and the cedar surfaces more strongly. But when I say 'strongly', I merely mean I recognise the note and its appearance to the heart easily. In this fragrance nothing is strong. Heart and dry- down are pretty similar, but for the fact I lose my whiff of lavender for 99%. By that time I also need to put my nose to my skin to make sure Mohra is still there, so that's not saying much.

The Parfumo categories state spicy, smoky, woody and sweet. Pretty much the only one that comes out on my skin is 'sweet', via the cola note. Maybe a tiny, tiny bit of 'woody credit' can be given because I get some recognisable cedar. But spicy and smoky are truly the least noticeable adjectives I'll ever give this fragrance. Perhaps if the labdanum surfaces strongly on your skin, you'll be able to say so. That would most likely make Mohra a more interesting perfume as well. As I'm judging Mohra based off of my own human suit I can only conclude it isn't - interesting.

I thought perhaps I tested this in the wrong season. However based on the pie chart, the end of October is a perfect month to wear this often positively described Lattafa.

My conclusion is simple: my skin chemistry obviously doesn't let Mohra shine, if there is something to it for others. I expected a sweet-spicy-smoky fragrance and got a lukewarm experience that I'll likely be able to repeat by drinking a glass of cola while sniffing my spice cabinet from afar. Not for me. But, who knows... maybe for you. As long as you don't mind an underwhelming performance, that is. (Pssst, don't blind buy).