Shadow Play Collection

Hacivat 2017

20.03.2020 - 08:26 PM
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You can't imagine how I was looking forward to the test. The scent images I had already formed in my head. Like a little kid at Christmas. There he was...the HACIVAT!!!

The packaging is nicely done. Nothing wobbles. The atomizer cap could be used without hesitation, also as doorstop for fire doors. Once dropped, you have to flex the heavy thing out of your laminate
Our test candidate today starts with a very present and strikingly sweet pineapple. Reminds me directly... ...of sweet, slightly too bold pineapple.
Why on earth pineapple?! I don't get it. What Yesterday by the Beatles in cover songs is pineapple for men's fragrance. If I sing Yesterday louder, it doesn't mean the song gets better
Grapefruit and wood seem to accompany the quite ripe fruit. Both impressions in combination get for me, also in other fragrances, a synthetic touch. I just can't do anything with this combination. Hacivat is also so loud that even after a spray on the back of my hand, after a short time, I get a headache that has been washed. In the fresh air it still works, but indoor for me in the long term unacceptable.

Hacivat does not really have a mossy or green character for me. In essence, the impression remains linear over several hours. The own nose can close at the volume, but the smell comes back in regular contractions. This pineapple impression only works for me in the beginning. In the medium term the woody side comes to the fore, paired with a very decent load of aroma chemicals that want to keep this "fruity" fresh impression and remind me of Bond No.9.

I was not able to detect a large odour transition during my tests and different weather conditions. This somewhat abstract-artificial wood impression certainly lasts for weeks on clothes and outlasts even the strongest wash cycle. I had imagined a scent that is balanced, elusive and fascinating. I got a scent that starts strikingly and bores me a little bit towards the end.
Nevertheless, it remains to be said that my environment has responded positively to the scent. Feedback from my fellow men in the average: Serious but loud scent...smells OK.
I don't think Hacivat is bad, but that's all I feel
If you are looking for a complex fragrance, you are wrong with Hacivat. Even an Aventus 2.0 I can't see anything in Hacivat. Hacivat reminds me of the hype around Orion, although the two are not really comparable. If you're looking for a loud, serious scent that scents whole station halls and lasts longer than the Duracell rabbit, you should look for Hacivat. Unfortunately, I have to stop writing now, as I had another spray to freshen up my headache. The bottle was allowed to pass on to someone who certainly appreciates it more than I do.