
Basso 2022

03.03.2024 - 04:19 AM

More tenor than bass

I speak as a studied musician and bass player of 30 years. This is more tenor than bass. From the name, I’d think this would be more about thick, deep, resinous notes. Clearly it’s not.

Bright, green, grassy, floral, sour grapefruit citrusy, spicy, peppery. On the color spectrum, I visualize orange, green, earthy tones.

Comparatively, sits between TdH Parfum and Roja’s Isola Blu. Isola Blu is more colorful, like light refracted through a prism, fruitier, juicier, brighter, sweeter in the base, more cheerful particularly in the opening hour. They become more similar in the dry down. Bear in mind these are subtle differences I’m speaking of. These two are very, very close and the differences come out only on close inspection.

I do have to say that the dry down does become a bit muddled here after an hour or so while Isola Blu retains the note separation and distinctness. The latter is somewhat higher quality but you will pay dearly for that very small difference.

Performance is comparative to the two aforementioned. Ultimately about average for a fresh citrusy perfume, or what I like to refer to as classy sillage, for yourself and those close to you. For all day enjoyment, you’ll want to take a travel sprayer. Eg. if you spray before going to work you’ll probably want to spray again on your lunch break.

I would not call Basso a great fragrance, but I do really enjoy it as I don’t demand too much from fresh citrusy summer fragrances. It’s an easy, likable wear with enough depth and complexity to keep me interested.

For those with small collections, this would be redundant if you had TdH Parfum or Isola Blu. For those like me with larger collections, you may find enough nuanced differences to have any or all of these. I am biased towards this one because of the name and my love for bass playing. And the quality and price ratio sits nicely in the attainable luxury spectrum: better than a standard designer and not outrageously priced where I’d need to worry about my bank account with every spray. But once my travel atomizer of Isola Blu is gone I’ll likely be purchasing a bottle of that too to wear on more rare occasions.

Edit: I keep coming back to this thought. This is the smell of Sprite as a perfume.