Universe ThoO

The Time 2018

27.10.2020 - 03:54 PM
Top Review
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The ticking of the clocks

Misty tea fields and a gently rippling brook run through a somewhat unreal looking scenery...

Once again my head is somewhere else. Everywhere and nowhere, as long as it is not here in the daily grind and ordinary. I want to go out into the world, jump into an airplane in an unknown country and direction of unknown adventures to feel that I am alive, to feel what I felt nochnie.

Especially during the current crisis, I had a lot of time to think... Less about life itself, but more about transience. In 20 years I will probably not remember every evening on the couch, but the days that meant something special. Does it even matter how long we live? Or is it only important how much we experience in the end?

What's certain is that everything would be boring if it was forever
And this brings me to the fragrance itself: it is a wonderfully moist smelling tea scent with fruity elements and a very light green twist in the aftertaste. Not like a CK One or similar but very unique and special. The iris is presented very differently than I would have ever smelled this note before. Not powdery and creamy, but somehow soaked and sparkling. Almost a little "chanelingy", if you know what I mean by that. Very noble and natural.

There is not much development. The fruit will eventually become the root and the tea will become warmer and less pointed over time, if that is the right word for it.
The durability and sillage are really remarkable for the type of fragrance: 3 hours with good projection and another 3 at about half an arm length to ¾. But all in all the theatre is over after 8 hours, which is a very acceptable performance for such a decent scent.
The bottles at THoOO are in a class of their own anyway... Every single egg is unique and is coated by hand with many layers of different colours. Especially in the light it looks really impressive. I would even go so far as to say that these could be the highest quality flacons in the entire industry.
Whether one finds the slightly kitschy to crisply gaudy color spectrum so great is a matter of taste that even here seems to divide minds... But they are always impressive.