Dark - Arsenic No. 17 2011

08.11.2022 - 02:02 PM

Avon potpourri Christmas ornaments

Arsenic has got vanilla salt listed in the notes, which enhances the more interesting aspect of the scent, something unique and green that reminds me of fresh marjoram with slightly piney, citrusy, and vaguely musty aspects. All of this, in turn, reminds me very much of Christmases when I was a little girl. I think that’s because when I first smelled fresh marjoram (which to my nose smells a little sweet, slightly piney, maybe a touch of citrus, and vaguely musty?) I realized it smelled exactly like the worn, cardboard box of Avon potpourri Christmas ornaments, gewgaws, and tchotchkes that we’d haul down from the attic, dust off, and disperse throughout our home every year for the holidays.