

Aom9 4 years ago 3
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░▒▓? winner in the heart ?▓▒░
The year is 1803
Hans-Jürgen Adidas is on the way to his first fencing tournament. His son has been working for some time on his goal to finally get the first place. Mr. Adidas has been financing his son's fencing lessons for 10 years now and it was about time that this paid off. Having arrived in the fencing hall, preparations for the quarter finals have already been made. He could see his son on the track; the tension was clearly written on his face. And shortly afterwards the duel began. After a bitter 80 hours the young Adidas could actually win. But he was now on the verge of his existence. In such an exhausted condition, he was in no way up to tomorrow's semi-final. His father had to act. He ran as fast as he could into his fragrance workshop and thought relentlessly about how he could help his son. He calculated complicated formulas, mixed different oils and asked all his closest confidants for financial support. And so he worked all night. Nonstop. Now the next day had already begun and what were only 3 hours left until the duel. Hans-Jürgen Adidas added the last drop of vanilla to his work and it was complete. A fragrance that brings victory to all who wear it. With his last ounce of strength he ran to the fencing hall. His son was about to change his clothes when his father fainted at his feet. In his hand a small glass bottle with the inscription: "Adidas®, Developed with Athletics, Eau de Toilette, Natural Spray, Vaporizer, VICTORY LEAGUE". In it a slightly yellowish liquid. His son knew what to do. He sprayed 20 sprays on his left arm alone. Surrounded by a victorious aura, he stepped into the duel. And it was in this year, 1803, when Yeezy Adidas became the first German fencing world champion and made history. But how he had managed this was known only to a few.

But Adidas: Victory League is way ahead of its sublime reputation these days. Because in the end he is exactly what is expected of him. A cheap sports fragrance with deodorant properties.
The greatest strength here is probably still the smell. It begins very fresh and slightly spicy, perhaps even soapy. Later on, one mainly takes only vanilla. This is synthetic but by no means unpleasant.
The durability is rather below average. After already a few hours, say 2-4, you have to press your nose against the skin with brute force to get hold of the smell.
The weakest point here for me is the Sillage. You can only really perceive the scent on a person in the time shortly after spraying on. After that, he gets extremely close.
The bottle has a simple design with slight texture accents on the glass and the cap. Definitely worth seeing.

It is a fragrance that is quickly applied and quickly disappears. It is not disturbing and is quite suitable for the sport, i.e. for its recruited purpose.
Aom9 4 years ago 3 1
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░▒▓" A. Niggi's masterpiece ?▓▒░
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It was a rainy November evening. I unlock the front door, take off my jacket and drop myself exhausted on the sofa. I stare into space for a few seconds and breathe calmly. Can that really be it? No one can foresee his life, not even me. If I could, I probably would have made a lot of decisions differently. I know my phone's not gonna ring. She won't call again and it's my fault. I have never asked for help because I know that this energy must come from myself. But maybe I can help myself?

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I like to wear perfume, although nothing fancy. From time to time I get a compliment for it but not often. Nothing that can serve life as a decisive factor for self-discovery. At least I thought I did.
THE COCKS by A.NIGGI did not seem like something special at first sight. There is hardly any information about it on the Internet; not even here on Parfumo. So in a sense, it was a blind purchase. All I knew was that the fragrance was named after mutliple male sexual organs and the perfumer had a last name that is hardly legal to pronounce in this country. I pounced. The package arrived a week later.

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The first time I dribbled THE COCKS by A.NIGGI on my skin it was like a sumo wrestler kicking me in the face with full force. Afterwards I know that I was lying unconscious on my kitchen floor for several hours. In that time, something incredible must have happened to my body. When I woke up I still took the woody-animal smell on my wrist. A very masculine smell. And I felt wonderful. That same night I banged 30 bitches.

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THE COCKS smells wonderful. Woody, spicy, old-school and very manly. Due to its rarity, many experts would classify it as a niche fragrance and I can only recommend to all who find this fragrance to buy a bottle. For a small price you can change your life with it.
Thank you very much
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