My Secret Thoughts Stash
8 years ago - 23.11.2015

I am obsessed with perfumes and all things smelling good

Let me introduce myself... I am a middle-aged man obsessed with perfumes and all things smelling good. I have a huge scent wardrobe so as to change my perfume every day, thus avoiding that my sense of smell will get used to this one scent. My heightened sense of smell, aka hyperosmia, allow me to experience smells more strongly than other people. This strong sense of smell may lead me to experience discomfort and illness from certain odors, yet I am profoundly attracted by wondrous aromas.

I truly like masculine scents, woody, spicy, green, citrus, and floral, but oriental is the family I like most, yet I quite like feminine ones (most of them, especially the old-fashioned, give me a headache and kill my stomach).

No matter what the crowd thinks about fragrances, I love testing 'em on my skin, perhaps what other people dislike is extremely good to me.