

Jamietsn 2 months ago 2
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I will never let you down.
Wow... what can I say?
I've had the fragrance for over 4 years. I initially bought it because I found it so easy to like, but then I was afraid that it was too simple after all. No matter where I was, I had it on. Expensive? Yeah, never mind. Sprayed it anyway. It lies on you like a second skin. So pleasant. But then: the lid... It wouldn't close. I didn't know what to do. The fragrance and I were one.
I decided to give it back. Maybe it wasn't the right one after all...
I couldn't do it all, this DNA is so tempting, you could call it a kind of addiction...
And there he was again.
Not even two months later, it was back on my shelf... In all its beauty. I will never let you down Lafayette Street..