PUDI 4 years ago 11 8
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PUDI wants to know
Or better: PUDI simply had to know! What does this fragrance, which is praised by the whole world, smell like? But first of all... I became aware of this scent through YouTube and crazy Jeremy. Other perfume-YouTubers could hardly find enough words of praise for him and even a well-known streamer of video games could not hide his enthusiasm. It was also the first time I came into contact with the term niche fragrance. Niche scent? Interesting, I thought. This Aventus must be something really great! The bottle reminds one of cheap aftershave, but the contents must be all the better. Well, well... ;)
Anyway, my interest was aroused and so I did some research. What exactly are niche fragrances? Finding: Basically they are intended for a rather small clientele and not a mass product (therefore niche), often they are very expensive, mostly of high quality and logically not available everywhere. Wow! I had to get to know this world better and Aventus was to be my first trip there. I mentally prepared myself in advance that it might be difficult to get my hands on this scent, because as I had learned, niche scents are not available everywhere, or even rare. My amazement was correspondingly great when I was asked about Aventus in the first mainstream fragrance store and got the answer "sure, we do! O.0
I had expected this now niche! ;D
The lady headed for a shelf, but did not take the fragrance from it, but opened a drawer under the shelf. "Ohooh, locked it up? How noble!" The expectations rose and rose. When the ladies sprayed some Aventus on a piece of paper, she looked at me as if she wanted to say "you can't afford it anyway", whereupon I countered with the thought "shut your cheeks, I don't want to be your friend either". Good that I am not dependent on the goodwill of others, because now, despite the unpleasant atmosphere, I could calmly test the fragrance I had heard so much about. Well, what can I say... The first thing that went through my mind was nothing less than a huge question mark. That's him? The famous Aventus?? I was expecting an "Ooooh!", but it turned out to be an "Och!" He's not bad, but he's not what I expected. Fruity/fresh? Yes!
High-quality? Yeah, sort of. But it was by no means the fireworks we expected. Luckily, I didn't let this sobering experience discourage me, because shortly afterwards I got to know exactly the world of niche fragrances that I had imagined as so beautiful in my imagination and realized how wonderful perfumes can smell. Aventus is booked as an experience and part of my fragrance journey, but will not make it into my collection.

Thanks for reading it
PUDI 4 years ago 13 9
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I got this "scent" in the form of a sample, at a time when I still thought that the fragrances available at Douglas and Co. were the ultimate. Well... i was so ignorant. Anyway, a few days later, before work, I started to browse through my little collection, looking for a suitable scent. Between the manageable amount of bottles there were also some samples lying around, which, as we all know, you get more or less voluntarily when you buy a bottle. My eyes fell on a dark blue, gold labelled piece of cardboard and I thought, in my almost childish recklessness, "oh come on, what the hell"..... big mistake!! In retrospect, it might have been better if the sample had fallen behind the cupboard and stayed * FOR ALWAYS* there and rotted. Pressed once, pressed twice, pressed three times, and *PLAY*. The penetrating, exaggerated sweet stench hit me like an uppercut, comparable in feeling to the famous steam hammer blow à la Bud Spencer (I remember darkly hearing a devilish, evil laugh when I went down). When I regained consciousness, I only thought "Okay!? That's not so good now", but it can't get any worse and you can't humiliate a lying person or bring him to his knees. Ugh... so ignorant again. Because this broth should still develop into something indefinable, extremely annoying and uncomfortable, which, to my regret, lasted a long time. Accordingly "nice" was my working day. I like to compare this day with a long bus ride on a hot day, where you have to sit next to a stinking guy and have no chance to escape. Never before I have wished so much for a cold and the accompanying blocked nose. I was only glad when I was finally at home and could free myself from it in the shower, with the help of very hot water, in embryonic position and crying. By the way, I burned the contaminated clothes and hired a priest to exorcise the evil from the ashes and the rest of the sample is now in a nuclear waste dump. So, as you might have noticed, I don't like this scent very much now and I would pay double the price to give Paco Rabanne a slap in the face for it, but at least this experience has given me enough words for the first time to write a comment here.

Thanks for reading it. :)