Pipette's Blog
10 years ago - 26.04.2014

Guerlain - Resurrected Perfumes - and random thoughts ...

The house Guerlain - at the occasion of the Centennary Celebration - has put together a selection of splendid, but discontinued, perfumes. Elena Vosnaki writes about those in her blog Perfume Shrine. Here is the link: http://perfumeshrine.blogspot.gr/2014/02/fragrance-reviews-of-resurrected.html

Helas, the perfumes are not for sale. However, if I were visiting in Paris, the flagship store would be a must stop, just for the pleasure of viewing them.

Now comes to mind - obviously the formulas exist, the scents just are not permitted to be manufactured under current restrictions. Perhaps for an elite, with a high price tag? With sufficient warnings on a leaflet to accompagny the perfume?

Well, we regular perfumistas are stuck with the reformulations. Or with as close as permitted reformulations of precious perfumes from yesteryear, like the beautiful Oriza L. Legrand line.

If I were a business person, the idea to build on the desire of perfumistas to have the cherished, but discontinued item, which is obvious with countless e-bay hunting, would occur to me.

"The good old times" are not always that good, but they seem that way in retrospect. Perfumes are fantasyland. We love to be beguiled. Old, new ... as long as the mind can travel.


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