ScentedSalon's Blog
9 years ago - 16.12.2014

Aromatherapy for Stressful Times

When I am stressed out, I just want to curl up in a ball and rest, forgetting all my problems. Having a large collection of sample perfumes, I love finding something forgotten at the bottom of my perfume jar and discovering it all over again. Smells assist in relaxation and the changing of the mood like nothing else. For that reason, people who get tired of scents quickly but like niche and expensive perfumes would benefit from a collection of tiny samples that don’t break the bank and create variety.

Today is a day for stress relief: long periods of stress, even if not manifested outwardly, have deep emotional and physical consequences. In the morning, I reached into my jar of smells and pulled out Xerjoff’s Irisss. Normally I don’t like iris or violet smells, but this one smelled so buttery and comforting that I was immediately reminded of a crystalline Russian night, purple quartz twilight blending into a languid dark.image

Purple snow sparkling in the moonlight, the crisp cold erasing any semblance of discomfort, a person just wants to be filled up with frost. The night is alive, not dark but dancing, but the quiet is in you, in me, in the trees, in the ice. No bird stirs, a bear sleeps, and you are alone, standing in awe of the peacefulness of nature and longing for a warm home, which awaits you.


The iris butter close to your chest allows you to be transported to a cooler place, yet it is as comforting as it is cold. Nighttime takes away all aches and pains, all emotional cares and evens things out. Look at the big picture. You are so small.


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