ScentedSalon's Blog
9 years ago - 16.12.2014

Warm November Nights

As the Texas weather vacillates between almost-freezing temperatures and warm sunny days, the leaves yellow and fall. It is too early to put a log in the fireplace, but the Fall feeling tempts us to light a fire. The crackle of a wood fire and the smell of smoky sweetness can be captured with candles. One that I really like is the Wood Wick Trilogy Fireside, Redwood and Sandalwood/Clove candle. image

The top layer gives off a perfectly-captured scent of wood smoke and the crackle of the wooden wick simulates a burning log. As the candle burns, the other spicy scents come forward to create a cozy atmosphere. The scents quickly spread throughout the room, enveloping you in the soft blanket of Fall rituals.



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