

Uhle 27 days ago 1
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4 hours morning routine....
Yes, that's how I imagine Madame Pompadour's morning routine....
..... The sun's rays crawl into the bedchamber, a dance in the air with dust particles after the femme de chambre flings aside the heavy, dusty brocade curtains, shooting dust particles all over the room to greet the day....
She blinks, stretches and straightens, throws off the 20 kilo eiderdown, slips into the slippers she has put on, into the golden brocade robe that is held out to her, and strolls into the boudoir...... for 4 hours!
Her face and hands are carefully dabbed with a damp cloth, no more than that is allowed, because pathogens can enter the body through the moistened, dilated pores. There is not much talking, the mood is not as cheerful as the hazy spring day, because this daily routine must be accurate and wants to be enjoyed by Madame Pompadour.....One layer of clothing follows the next...the undershirt, and another shirt, the corset, the crinoline, and finally the dress, heavy, uncomfortable, in pastel colors that are currently in vogue, and have replaced the heavy bordeaux, sapphires, emeralds....
Over the almost-bald head, plagued by a few lice, sits the immense wig, the bigger the better, and finally, the face is covered with powder, white powder, heavy as a ton, no longer quite fresh, and far too much of it, it pastes the face and dances weightlessly through the room. The jewelry, finally, a hint of pink smeared on her lips, the big statement birthmark - and she's done. After 4 hours, she can be seen among the people. Pompadour stretches her fan and floats away...
The rooms are not aired. What remains is this fragrance....
It fits in well with this time, with this story. But not for me.
Uhle 3 months ago 3
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Hocus pocus
Can you hear that? I think we have to get closer, deeper into the forest..... into the beautifully colorful golden October forest, in which it smells spicy-sweet, even the last, mild rays of sunshine can be smelled, they give the leaves the lovely warmth to smell even more intense, even if it rained three hours ago.... makes the spice even spicier
The leaves rustle under our footsteps, and with each one, we get closer and can hear them better and better, it remains quiet but now clear..... "Come little children, I'll lead you away, into my realm of magic...." it sounds slightly spooky and hypnotic at the same time. The melody is a sweet breeze carried on by the leaves, by the wind....
She looks slowly over her shoulder, and yepp, it's the sexy witch from Hokuspokus, swaying slowly back and forth with the melody, and stirring just as slowly in her cauldron, from which it smells and simmers...it smells beautifully dangerous... "I'm waiting for you here, in my garden, the fantasy..... Garden of the imagination...."
It's getting dark, the only light comes from the fire under the cauldron. Soon it's over, soon it's witching hour, Sarah Jessica Parker needs energy, grabs a cold Coke and drinks it with relish. With real relish, sip by sip - because she still hasn't figured out this recipe....after all these years at the cauldron....

Cheesy, I know, but I had exactly this image for this scent: golden October, garden of fantasy and a Coke........yeah, with Sarah Jessica Parker - Hooookuuuspooookuuuus
Uhle 4 months ago 4 1
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A slightly different memory...
I blindly ordered the fragrance after a YouTube perfumista raved about it, and the first spray catapulted me straight back to my childhood - it reminded me so strongly of ..... an eraser. It was like this: when I was at school, a friend of my mother's often brought me an eraser made in China. Where she got it from back then, I have no idea! It smelled exactly like this body spray, always had a neon color - neon pink, neon green, neon purple.....when erasing, it crumbled more than it erased, but that scent! I found it so irresistible that I actually took a bite, which of course I regretted the next second because it tasted awful - surprise!

I've never been able to forget that smell, and I've never smelled it anywhere again until today. Well, there are olfactory memories like that too....

Today, however, I associate it with Valentine's Day. Pink, love, in 24 hours, too much of everything: too many thoughts about the outfit, the restaurant, the ROSES, chocolates, what do I know, too much "Titanic", concentrated attention, lamenting, expecting, advertising, disappointment (no engagement ring again), too many lonely people who feel even lonelier....
But if you take the right, fine dosage of this "rose honey", as someone here called it, then it is simply beautiful, not for every day, but when it is, then it is on that day, a bit of Valentine's Day........which should be for lovers every single day ...
In the back of my mind, still the colors neon pink, neon purple, neon ......
Love each other!
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Uhle 3 years ago 1
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Bed linen,in summer
It reminds me of "Clean - Warm Cotton", only much, much more intense, floral and much more persistent! A spray on the clothes, holds loosely 48 hours - and longer. I consider it a spring/summer fragrance - but only sparingly dosed. In autumn / winter he would be nothing for me.