

Whimsy 5 months ago 5
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Memories on my shelf
I smelled this fragrance for the first time in 2013. Associated with some emotions and memories, this scent has a special place in me and in my 13-year-old self. The scent of fresh winter air and unknown freedom.
Sneaking out with Kristina. I admired and loved her so much back then. "Look, I got this from my mum, put it on and nobody will smell the smoke". Laughing as we lay on the tarmac road, lit only by two lanterns and nothing else but silence, except the two of us.
Being allowed to emerge and breathe for the first time since a very dark time in my life.

Time passed, I had no more contact with Kristina, nor with this fragrance.
Until one day in a department store I happened to dive through a scent.
What is that smell? Where do I know it from?....
And all the images came back. I just stood there and was far away for a moment before I finally couldn't help but follow the scent and, despite my social phobia, asked a woman what perfume she was wearing. She very kindly said that this fragrance could be found in Aldi. So I went to Aldi. I could hardly believe what I was holding in my hands.

Since then, the fragrance has been sitting on my shelf, memories of a special time in my life, stored in a jar. I didn't buy it to wear it, because for me it is a precious treasure from my past that I can no longer return to. For me, it symbolizes security, wrapped in an unshakeable youthful sanctity. The first time I can live, laugh and be myself again forever.