Open Threads only
Say a nice thing about a fragrance the above person owns.
by Lempi | Off Topic
...N.C.P. is currently my favourite perfume house and I'm planning also a looooong blog post about it 😄 Super glad that you enjoyed the sample set!@Azahar81 Your collection is absolutely awesome. 😍 So many beautiful gems! I'll pick Alien Eau ExtraordinaireAlien Eau Extraordinaire which is one of my favourites of...
8 months ago
Autumn dessert fragrances
...MMMM...MMMM... Es una combinación floral azucarada que da paso a una base de vainilla y caramelo con sándalo. Aunque tiene matices florales (especialmente heliotropo), se siente bastante dulce y delicioso. En la temporada de otoño huele especialmente bien.
8 months ago
Say a nice thing about a fragrance the above person owns.
by Azahar81 | Off Topic
...Classique (Eau de Toilette)Classique Eau de Toilette Un gran aroma... Seductor, icónico y bellamente nostálgico.
8 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Kurai | Parfumo Community
...Azahar81 I had the same habit of sneaking into my parents room and smell their perfumes. My mom had a collection of miniatures; irresistable of...
12 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Azahar81 | Parfumo Community
...Hello everyone! I write from Spain and I am Azahar.Smells have attracted my attention since I was very little. Every time I had the opportunity I would sneak into my mother's room and put her perfumes on me. I suppose that I have inherited this passion and taste for perfume from her. My five year old is following the same steps.I've only been in this community for a few days and I have to say that I feel very comfortable, in addition, the people are very friendly, and they value reviews a lot.Greetings to all and I hope it is useful to the community.
12 months ago