13.08.2020 - 05:54 PM
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Typical again...

.... . . .for me and my nose. If I go on holiday to Switzerland - to the beautiful Appenzell - I discover a perfumery which is extremely well sorted with some niche fragrances, find a tasting corner with exactly this fragrance (La Favorite) in front of the door and buy it. It was already clear to me then, I hadn't looked in the perfume shop to find out what the community thinks about it. And again I reach for the comments to be read here. I already had them several times. And what do I read there? The oud, oh the evil, the stinging oud, that's one of those things, well, who likes it. Just let them do it to themselves. That's how it comes across to me
And again I ask myself the question, do I like it now out of defiance?

Rewind briefly. No, it can't be. The decision for the scent was made after roaming around the store for a while. There were expensive lines from Penhaligon, Widian (hah, I love his stuff by now), Acca Kappa shaving products in the finest form, Acqua di Parma, yes, just good and not mainstream. And of course I sprayed the fragrance on (right arm) and the Penhaligon Lothair on the left arm and walked around the village at a good 30 degrees Celsius. Sniffed on the left, sniffed on the right ... hm, both good. And yes, the oud developed, and as written in the one commentary, it immediately withdrew into the spice of the fragrant bed. And what was there ... that convinced me. A warm, flattering scent that was indeed capable of withstanding heat. Not a freshness that one would possibly want to get from a cologne in a citric direction when it is hot. No, somehow so different, so mature against the cliché that you would expect with the scent orientation in heat. And so clearly grown-up that it wants to say, "Yes, I can do something in the heat. But if you go out tonight, I'm also a fine, reserved and at the same time striking companion.".

Back to the shop, the saleswoman lets me give her my arm, rolls her eyes with pleasure, consults the boss briefly and both join my sense of smell. I don't know the Swiss in such an extremely emotional way. There then already:
"S iss scho a leckres Düftli on him, odder?"
That's all you can do with the Swiss. Especially now in Corona times with mouthguards. I was quite reassured then. And now I have the scent And the oud doesn't bother me at all. Whenever the oud becomes perceptible for a short time it is the signal, the fine part is coming soon. And that is why this oud fits in so well. Like a short effort to climb the summit and then to look over a beautiful landscape and feel safe and comfortable. Hurray for the oud, which I don't like in the overloaded form either. But here it was needed as the perfect partner in the fragrance sequence, or even abused? Who knows this except the inventor of the fragrance. Even the Swiss woman knew this: "The oud is here only to feed the actual fragrance. "We just measure it," she said

Now I'm going to apologize right now to my trusted perfume dealer. I didn't have him here waiting for me to come back, I didn't want that. Why hasn't he given me the stuff yet? Although he doesn't carry all brands. I'll ask him.
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