

BinNeugierig 3 years ago 11 4
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A pretty child of the Hermès family
A statement about it I have already written, but now a review, because so many letters fit into no statement ?.
First : I like fragrances from Hermès very much and the creations that come from the heart and hands of Mr. Ellena, anyway .
Find it a bit of a shame that many of them have become too popular and thus "office and workplace fragrances", on the other hand, I'd rather have these around me when I'm working than anything oppressively heavy, complicated, migraine.

Specifically this fragrance I had been given years ago, but at the time it was too unisex for me, even masculine, my boyfriend at the time was allowed to have it.

Years later, I discovered my absolute (to this day) favorite fragrance of Hermès : Le Jardin De Monsieur Li, which somehow came familiar to me and has accompanied me faithfully for a few years.
A little later, my husband got 'Terre d'Hermès' as a gift, at that time a novelty that we both liked and which also seemed totally familiar to me.

Why am I writing all this? Please, a little patience, soon comes the explanation.

About a week ago I came across Eau de Mandarine Ambrée here in the souk and since I'm an absolute citrus notes fan and was also curious, as the fragrance after so many years break on me, I quickly ersoukt.
Got (lightning shipping, thanks again, @Ischgelroi !), quickly unpacked (the bottle is sooo pretty, makes immediately good mood) and tested...
Yes, this is a Hermès, you can tell immediately, my first plus has the Wässerchen.
I immediately got the impression that Eau de Mandarine Ambree, though chronologically incorrect, is a nice, somewhat introverted but thoroughly good-humoured child of aforementioned TdH and JdML. There is a family resemblance to the two that is striking to me, which pleases me because there are very fond memories associated with it ?.

Sprayed on the skin, comes out first a clear tangy mandarin ( very similar to Monsieur Li der/as/the kumquat), which disappears but very quickly (much too quickly) and on niederwiederriechen, the scent becomes sweeter, warmer, ambery, not yellow or orange, but rather green (there is also green amber?), and I have definitely sniffed out a touch of patchouli.
After ca.30 minutes, the scent is only perceived close to the skin, there it remains very long, but becomes quieter and quieter, zero citrus, the tangerine was only at the beginning times briefly there. Passion fruit I could not determine, but am not sad about it.
At the end of the day, I still liked the fragrance, but was totally disappointed by the sogut wie nicht vorhanden durability.

Today I dared the attempt on the clothes, and run for hours fascinated at me sniffing around? I still smell the mandarin (-nschale), which makes me incredibly happy as a citrus fan, at the beginning like one, it is not sharp, perhaps by the ambery warm sweetness (subtle, rather masculine), which I can also perceive very well.
I also stick to my theory that patchouli is at least somewhere on the fringes. Some note reminds me a little of Ovaltine, find it also very pleasant.
And the fragrance lasts and lasts!
On the clothes he hardly changes, only the tangerine becomes paler.

Conclusion :
a clear unisex fragrance, discreet and a GuteLauneMacher, I like! Will definitely wear it simultaneously on the skin and on clothes, then I have longer what of it and it remains not only amber.

BinNeugierig 3 years ago 4 2
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Questionable opener, very nice after.
Have this fragrance already once at the airport under many other Eisenberg fragrances met fleetingly, the lady in the DutyFree wanted to sell necessarily one of them, but I was not at all after a consultation, so it was then but again my favorite fragrance of Hermes.
But somehow the memory of J'Ose did not let me go, until I recently by an absolute coincidence here draufgestoßen and, convinced by the comments, the fragrance ersoukt :-)
The package arrived quickly, I was impatient, have bravely pressed it and it has almost slain me : the prelude is loud, "bright sweet", almost pungent, I perceive nothing bergamottiges or lemony, but musk and a lot of vanilla, it reminds me of the Victor & Rolf of a colleague : the fragrance suits her, but always causes me a headache : too much vanilla, more vanilla and something musky in addition.
So I was about to grab the washcloth, as my son came over and said "Mmmmh, Mom, you smell but guuut". Ok, I thought, then I just wait: he usually has a very good nose, which concerns my scent preferences.
Ca.a quarter of an hour later, the scent became quieter and warmer, I imagined to perceive tonka-bone and amber, with some bittersweet citrus.
But maybe that's the mugwort making the scent more bitter and thus rounder, warmer, earthier. Patchouli was only with a lot of will to guess, I tried it really long ?
J'Ose lasts with me for several hours, at least six, in which I perceive the fragrance itself, becomes in the course of the day closer, warmer in the good, more and more familiar, it becomes so really "mine".
Reminds me a bit of the youth perfume love : Allure by Chanel, but as a perfume Cheveux (then the wallet was still too thin for a "real" perfume), is just a little less serious and different sexy, maybe a little younger of the idea.
Conclusion : I like this fragrance, but only on the skin, not on the bottle or fabric, and only after 10-15 minutes, but then I really like to wear it, even if not every day and almost never immediately after getting up. Is just really a "J'Ose" for me as a lover of fragrances that are mainly about citrus&Co.
I regret him but not at all ?
BinNeugierig 3 years ago 11 4
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The name says it all ?
Outside it was raining, I had (as so often) no umbrella with me and 4 hours break until the next rehearsal, so where to go with the time? First drink a coffee, then there was a nice bookstore around the corner...and suddenly there was a small perfumery right at the beginning of the passage I turned into : really not big, a little old-fashioned.
In one of the corners were Balenciaga fragrances, which I did not know until then, a bottle jumped me right in the eye : beautiful, lush flowers, massive lid in zebra-look : crazy, something wild, it made mood and desire to try.
I dared a cautious spray attempt, first on the test paper.
I'm not a perfumer, not a professional, just a nose person, the scent was different from anything I was wearing at the time, but interesting, I dared to give it a try on my skin.

Phew, a little loud, but not unpleasant.
Honestly, neither then nor now I perceive a hyacinth, not a blue one or any other, the scent starts with a rose (heavy, double garden rose that would still smell like a rose even dried), seeee very lightly powdered with something green, a little lemony (petitgrain?), this rose scent enveloped me, after a while I thought I also sniffed the delicious cardamom note, some graipfruit (very subtle, like smelling the peel), the rose becomes more oily, warmer.
Still a little later (in my case only after the little walk to a cafe) a very clear but not loud patchouli note comes in, it's like the lid in the zebra design : makes the rose younger, a little more unserious, less ladylike; after that something hard to define woody opens up, but that doesn't overload, that makes the scent more earthy, soapy in a good sense, the rose remains, it's very dominant, but I like it here.

I was simultaneously fascinated and unsettled by the play of the scent, and it certainly looked silly because I was permanently stuck with my nose on my arm.
Outside, the scent was clearer, a little sharper, in the coffee - warm, mixed with coffee scent just incredibly delicious.

Long story short - went back to the perfumery, 10 minutes later the beautiful bottle was mine, to this day I regret buying only this one : the price was affordable, something like 29€ for 50ml (I think) because it was the leftover fragrance for this perfumery.

It's not a subtle one, and it's not a morning or daytime fragrance, not an "I'm-perfect-anyday" one, but some evenings I love it, it's been one of my favourites since I bought it.
I love wearing it on stage, it's like a silk velvet stole and always puts me in a great mood, I feel more beautiful, elegant, you really only have to take one spray though.
On the skin Rosabotanica lasts longer than average, even after showering a small veil of it remains. On the clothes it holds an eternity : have my winter coat after a long break again rausgeholt and Rosabotanica daran erschnuppert.

The fragrance has a high recognition value, I have him until today but very few times on someone else met.