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FluxitFluxit 8 years ago
It was Oscar Wilde who said that consistency is the last escape of those without phantasy, hehe. Being a software designer, I have to disagree here: Consistency is a treasure with a value that usually is not appreciated unless it's gone. So if that's part of the OCD, I can still say I appreciate it ;)
GreysolonGreysolon 8 years ago
Just back from doing more family stuff. It was a lot of work but the outcome was positive and my mom is safe and well cared for. I hope you've been doing well and, even though it's now March, you had fantastic holidays, birthday, Presidents Day, National Dress Up Your Pet Day...
DulcemioDulcemio 8 years ago
Holy shizz! Your perfume photos are blowin' my mind, girl! Gorgeous, interesting, creative, and done with obvious passion for perfume and for beauty! Wow! What a treat for my eyes!
ZoraZora 8 years ago
Hello. Thank you so much for your nice compliment. Many Greetings and have a nice Day.
Exciter76Exciter76 9 years ago
Greetings gorgeous friend! I just wanted to stop by and say HI!
StardustStardust 9 years ago

Thank you so much for your compliment to my Magritte/Guerlain pic ;-)
NeodymiumNeodymium 9 years ago
Thank you for your kind welcome to my wall almost a year ago, I just found out how to reply! :)
GingerGinger 9 years ago
Hello and thanx a lot for commenting my photo of Vent Vert. I took it last springtime in Cornwall. Send you best wishes!
TomLavenderTomLavender 9 years ago

You have so lovely pix in your fotobook!

Greetings from Switzerland

GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
Cellists, nothing but a bunch of whiny, narcissistic, violin wannabe 'Concerto Charlies'. Honestly, I love playing ground bass lines...
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
Cellists, nothing but a bunch of whiny, narcissistic, violin wannabe 'Concerto Charlies'. Honestly, I love playing ground bass lines...
CallasCallas 9 years ago
Oh, I hadn't seen that you are from the USA. Your photo is beautiful like a painting ;)
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
Easter bonnet:
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
I am Mr. Freeze to orchids
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
Thanks for the orchid advice. From the day I brought the plant home we wondered about the instruction to use ice cubes to water. As I learned from your link it's not about the amount of water it's about only watering when necessary and using the proper growing medium. Even when I water my outdoor potted plants in winter I use tepid water from indoors. Oh, and just today it looks like our orchid is making a comeback. There's some new growth showing at the the top of the plant so maybe it's resurrecting itself.
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
Where do you find this stuff? Actually, I already have my preferred hand sanitizer: My son made up a song about me when he was about 8 years old and it was just one line sung over and over again: "Everyone can see my dad is OCD."
TriffidTriffid 9 years ago
Cryptic, thanks for the link! I have this idea that doing things the hard way (e.g. long division instead of calculator, remembering phone numbers instead of using speed dial) will somehow stave off dementia but apparently one just gets good at that particular, isolated discipline and in my case, means a lot of unnecessary mistakes as well.
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
If rhyming Giacobetti/spaghetti/merd-a-letti was the highpoint of my creative power then it's probably good to go out on top!
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
You know, every time I think there is some "note" I can't imagine being in a perfume, I read a description that changes my mind. Thanks!
GreysolonGreysolon 9 years ago
Trying to imagine a milk note in any perfume is enough to make me lactose intolerant.
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