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ChrissysmellChrissysmell 1 month ago
Hey! I recently got a bottle of Good Chemistry Coffee Cloud as a gift. It seems right up your alley. The notes listed are a little deceptive. To me, it smells like Ariana Grande Cloud with a shot of espresso. You should check it out if you have the chance! I always see Good Chemistry stuff on display at Target.
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 month ago
Hey @Chrissysmell , that's so kind of you to let me know - I'll have to check it out next time I'm at Target! I love a good coffee note, so I appreciate you thinking of me 🥰🫶☕
How is your creamy strawberry fragrance hunt going? Have you found any good ones lately, or are there any you're interested in testing? 💖🍦🍓
Have you heard about or tested "Juicy Strawberry" by VS Pink yet? It's not a creamy strawberry, but it's definitely strawberry!
ChrissysmellChrissysmell 23 days ago
Phlur Strawberry Letter has been my favorite strawberry perfume as of late! It's not creamy by any means, but it's delightful. It's kind of like Burberry Her but earthier. Le Monde Gourmand Fraise Fouettée has also been amazing and I'm so thankful you told me about it.
I really want to try d'Annam Strawberry Mochi. I honestly haven't heard too much about it, but my Instagram targeted ads are trying to convince me I need it. VS Pink Juicy Strawberry sounds interesting! I'll give it a sniff next time I go to the mall!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 23 days ago
@Chrissysmell so glad you've been enjoying Phlur's Strawberry Letter! I tested that recently too - the earthy, soil-like element was very interesting.
Le Monde Gourmand Fraise Fouettée is so good, always happy to share and love knowing you are having fun with with it! 🍓
I have been curious about d'Annam's Japan-inspired line too, and have heard great things about Strawberry Mochi just from Googling reviews/reading Reddit - if you end up trying it, I'd love to hear your thoughts! 😊
I'm also interested in d'Annam's Sakura Snow, and Kimono.
To me, VS Pink's Juicy Strawberry is like Orbit-brand strawberry flavored gum.
Have you tested Forever 21's Berries & Cream Eau de Parfum yet? I think that one is still the best "strawberry-cream gummy puff candy" scent I've ever tried, and is surprisingly high quality for being a Forever 21 scent (it's in a heavy-weight glass bottle, and an EDP instead of a mist - but it's still under $20 USD!).
GaycatthingGaycatthing 3 months ago
just stopping by to show my appreciation for ur content on this site, like wow! I really admire how in-depth your reviews are. im still learning my way around this hobby and you're an inspiration! thanks, a fellow gourmand enjoyer 💖🍰 which fragrance are you currently enjoying?
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 2 months ago
@Gaycatthing reading your comment means so much to me, thank you for stopping by and sharing your kind words! 🥹🫶💓
I'm still learning too, I think I will always be learning because there's so much out there - so you're in good company.
Always enjoy meeting a fellow gourmand lover 💖🍰 I'll make sure to follow you to be fragrance friends!
I've been enjoying BBW's "Coconut Lime Verbena" mist lately since this is the first time they've brought it back as a mist in sooo many years, and that used to be one of my faves!
Which gourmand fragrances are your favorite right now?
BerryskyeBerryskye 5 months ago
Girlie. Thank you for doing the lawd’s work and posting so many reviews!!! Your collection is 💖💓 perfection 🫶
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 5 months ago
@Berryskye thank you so much for your sweet comment, you totally just made my day!! 🥹💖🥰
You are so kind - I write anything down or else I'll forget in the future what I thought lol 🙈 but it makes me so happy to hear if it helps anyone else as well! 🥰
Going to go leave some love on your wall because you deserve some, too! 🫶
GalbanumLeafGalbanumLeaf 7 months ago
I received a decant of Devotion today, and.... I think you'll like it 🍰
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 7 months ago
@GalbanumLeaf thank you so much for thinking of me, it's so kind of you to reach out about it! 🤗
Devotion is one I've tested before, and the orange blossom came through more for me than the other notes - making it more powdery/earthy, and less gourmand, than what I hoped for.
But it's still a very well-done fragrance! Are you enjoying it for yourself, I hope? 😊
I personally prefer Akro "Bake" and Theodoros Kalotinis "Lemon Tart" for more "lemon cake" vibes; have you tried either of these and if so, what did you think?
I appreciate you sharing, as I always want to hear any recommendations from you (gourmand or not! 🍰)
JessaieeJessaiee 7 months ago
I absolutely adore your collection! I love gourmand cheapies too, they're so much fun and i wear them all the time when i'm out of the office. What are your personal favs? 🌷
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 7 months ago
@Jessaiee ah thank you so much, you are so kind! 🥰 So fun to meet another gourmand cheapie lover 🌸🍰🍓 and I agree with you completely - so glad you get to enjoy them outside the office!
Some of my favorites include BBW - Fresh Vanilla Blossoms, BBW - Pear Crème Brûlée, VS - Love Spell La Crème, VS Pink - Sweet Fig, and Le Monde Gourmand - Sucre de Coton.
What are some of your favorites lately?
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 7 months ago
@Jessaiee I'm just now seeing you responded on your wall about your favorites - I'll reply over there! 🤗
DogiCocoDogiCoco 8 months ago
Hi @Gourmandgrl! Thank you for writing on my wall 🥰
Gotta add a small disclaimer before I start with my B&BW faves: Unfortunately I'm from a country where we don't really have B&BW, so I buy from resellers (or on vacation) and am not very up to date on their new scents. And I'm mainly using their lotions, shower gels and pocketbacs, I decided that collecting perfumes is enough and I should not start with FFMs/body sprays 😄
Some scents I really enjoyed are Cotton Candy Clouds, Whipped Berry Meringue, Sensual Amber, Sweetheart Cherry, Snowflakes & Cashmere, Chocolate Covered Cherry, Winter Peach Marshmallow, Summer Melody, Vanilla Mocha Café... I wish I could try more in general, I usually have to blind buy 😭 Which current ones should I keep an eye on?
Wishing you a great rest of the week, too 🤗🌸
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 7 months ago
Hey @DogiCoco , I'm so sorry for not replying until now! I'm not sure how I missed your comment 🙈 thank you for your patience with my delay. It's so nice hearing from you too, thank you so much for replying! 🥰
I'm so sorry you do not have easy access to B&BW! I'm sure it gets expensive trying to find options from resellers, making room in your suitcases on vacation, or blind buying everything 😭
Truthfully, I think many of their older scents are better than the newer options - and you have some amazing ones! 💖
It would be my pleasure to try and help think of some BBW mists you might like! 🤗
So that I know better what you enjoy: do you have favorite fragrance notes? Or any "fragrance types" you wish you could find (like a chocolate mint scent, a gourmand vanilla, a tropical banana, etc.)?
If you have any other favorite fragrances you've been enjoying lately (even if not BBW), I'd love to hear about them too! 🌸
GalbanumLeafGalbanumLeaf 7 months ago
@Gourmandgrl for some reason, I miss notifications, too. One, in fact, to @DogiCoco 🤷🏻‍♀️
DogiCocoDogiCoco 7 months ago
@Gourmandgrl & @GalbanumLeaf
E-mail notifications from Parfumo sometimes end up in my spam folder. It didn't happen for a while now, but I think that's because I always mark them as "not spam" as soon as I see it.
I can't fault the notifications for answering so late though, I simply forgot 🫣
Regarding B&BW, it's not that bad 😄Fortunately German drugstores have a lot of great options for scented body care, too. But the blind buying is a bit of a pain, and resellers of course don't have great sales like the US stores. It would be so cool if they decided to open stores here.
I'm not interested in expanding to mists at the moment, but I'd be happy about body care recommendations 🤗 I like gourmands, creamy scents, some warm ambery scents for fall and winter, but also sweet fruity summer scents. Not so interested in pure citrus and light florals. Is there any newer scent that goes into the Cotton Candy Clouds/Whipped Berry Meringue direction? I loved these so much! 🍧
CakeCuddlesCakeCuddles 9 months ago
Hello! We must be kindred spirits :). What a pleasant surprise to hear from you today. I had kinda forgotten about this site xD. When I was collecting, I spent most of my time on fragrantica. I bought so much perfume 10 years ago I had to call it quits for awhile to make it through my collection. I only have 29 fragrances now (at one point I had I think 150? lol). How has your collecting going? What is the coolest stuff in the gourmand world these days?
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 9 months ago
Hey @CakeCuddles , loved seeing your wall post - thanks for responding! 🤗 💖
150 is an impressive collection, but 29 bottles is still great too! In some ways it's better since you get to really focus your energy on enjoying the bottles you do have, instead of forgetting which ones you own lol. I could probably pare mine down a bit too as I want to only keep the ones I love most.
Oooh great question! I think I've heard the most buzz about Escapade Gourmand, Tihota, Bianco Latte just to name a few (lots of vanilla!) - have you tried any of those?
There are a lot of new fun ones coming out right now like a few from Kayali, Theodoros Kalotinis, and others. Cotton candy as a note/concept seems to be trending.
What are your favorite gourmand fragrance notes, or "types" of gourmands?
Knowing these could help me narrow down which ones to bring up or ask you about, to see if you've heard of them yet!
So fun connecting with a kindred spirit gourmand/Pusheen lover!! 😊
GrmndGrmnd 12 months ago
Hey!! Absolutely adore your reviews and you have great taste!!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 12 months ago
Hey @Grmnd thank you so much!! 🤗 Love your reviews + taste too, so fun to find others who also love BBW - I will make sure to follow your account so I don't miss anything you share! ❤️
ExUserExUser 1 year ago
Hi! I love your page layout, it is so cute!!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 year ago
Thank you so much for the kind words @Missnaichell , you're so sweet!! 🥹 Appreciate you stopping by - I'll make sure to follow your profile too so I can see what you share in the future! ❤️
SamplesNoonaSamplesNoona 7 months ago
Came here to say the same thing :) The graphic design is on point!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 7 months ago
@SamplesNoona thank you so much for the kind compliment, that is so sweet of you to say 💖you just made my day! 🥹🫶🏻 (And I'm so sorry I didn't see your comment until now - appreciate your patience with my delay!)
EmilyforestEmilyforest 1 year ago
I love your new pink background!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 year ago
Thank you so much @Emilyforest ! 🥰 Thought it would go better with the "pink theme" 🎀 💖
KathrynA66KathrynA66 1 year ago
One good turn deserves another. Check out Corvin's Apple Fest by Solstice Scents. A really great gourmand at a low price.
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 year ago
Thank you so much for thinking of me @KathrynA66 , that's so kind of you!! 💖 I know we share a love of autumn fragrances and this sounds like a delicious apple-pie-esque gourmand (you know I'm always on the hunt for these lol), I'm definitely adding it to my list - I really appreciate you dropping by to share the recommendation!! 🤗 Are there any others from Solstice Scents you'd recommend?
KathrynA66KathrynA66 1 year ago
@Gourmandgrl I haven't tried very many yet, bit I think you might like Chiffon, a creamy and lemony scent or Victorian Picnic, which is fruity with tea, IIRC.
ExUserExUser 1 year ago
Dear @Gourmandgrl
Welcome to Parfumo community!. You have a nice collection filled with delicious super - gourmand fragnances!. I like your profile and your reviews!. Have a nice time here!.
Lots of regards and love!.
Nidodelia xx
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 year ago
Thank you so much for the warm welcome @Nidodelia , and for your kind words 💖 it is much appreciated!! I hope you are enjoying your time with Parfumo as well, sending you all the best vibes + wishes 🥰 I look forward to following your profile too (your hair is so pretty 😍)!
Azahar81Azahar81 1 year ago
Hello Gourmandgrl, thank you very much for your lovely comment on my photo ☺️. Your first photo was beautiful 😍. Also, I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I really like your reviews 😉.
Have a good Sunday afternoon 🤗.
Kind regards.
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 year ago
Hello @Azahar81 I apologize for my delay in responding, I know it has been so long! 🙈 I am still getting learning how to navigate the site and finding messages that I've missed. You are so kind to give that compliment about my photo and reviews, thank you for your encouraging words - it's so kind of you! 🥰 I look forward to continue to following your profile to see your beautiful photos (you are truly an artist, wow! 😍) and reviews too! Best wishes to you 🤗
IrisNobileIrisNobile 1 year ago
… oh sorry!
warm greetings from Iris 🧡
IrisNobileIrisNobile 1 year ago
….. I‘m really happy about your wonderful compliments you gave me on my photos 😊 …. Thank you so much for these kind words 🌹…. But I have to say …. I also thought your first picture was beautifully done 👌👌
Bye dear Gourmandgrl 🙋‍♀️ - and have a nice and relaxing day! …..
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 1 year ago
Hello @IrisNobile , warm greetings to you too and my apologies for how delayed I am in replying - I am still learning how to use this website and where all the communications are that I've missed! 🙈 You are so kind to share that sweet compliment about my photo, thank you so much 🥰 I look forward to continuing to following your profile to see your amazing photographs, you are so talented and I love to see your work! 😍 I hope you have a relaxing weekend, take care 💖
ExUserExUser 2 years ago
What a lovely profile you have! And how did you manage to insert that cute image? So lovely, I have always liked that Pusheen and Sanrio aesthetic, my favorite is Miffy tough, and also Rilakkuma (from San-x). You have great taste in fragrances too.
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 2 years ago
@Frabra88 thank you for your kindness! 🥰 Clicking the drop-down by my username, I found the "Wallpaper" link to upload an image; hopefully this helps, but let me know if not. I love the Sanrio aesthetic too; Miffy + Rilakkuma are adorable, you have great taste! Checking out your profile now too ❤️
KathrynA66KathrynA66 2 years ago
Thank you for recommending Pacifica's Silver Moon. It's a soft, cozy, relaxing scent. Perfect for curling up with book or for bedtime. ❤️
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 2 years ago
@KathrynA66 that's awesome, I'm so happy hearing you're enjoying Pacifica's Silver Moon! 🥰 It really is the perfect "cozy" scent - for book reading, bedtime, or autumn.
Always happy to share recommendations. If you end up finding other gourmand autumn/cozy scents, I'd love to hear about them too! ❤️
KathrynA66KathrynA66 2 years ago
I definitely will!!!!
SalahharakeSalahharake 2 years ago
A one-of-its-kind profile on Parfumo, really like it!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 2 years ago
Thank you very much for your kind words and for the welcoming, @Salahharake ! I'm very happy to be on Parfumo and to be part of the community. Hope you have a good day!
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 2 years ago
Fragrances I'm currently searching for:
- musky + fruity/creamy dessert-like fig (contender: VS PINK Sweet Fig)
**(found!) floral + peach combo ------------- Pacifica Flower Moon
**(found!) true-to-life peach solinote ------ Kyse Pêche au Yuzu
**(found!) TTL caramel apple ----------------- Wild Spirit Chill
**(found!) TTL orange blossom -------------- CO Bigelow Lemon & Orange Blossom
**(found!) TTL banana cream pie ----------- Demeter Banana Flambé
**(found!) pumpkin cream "dessert" ------ UO Pumpkin Créme & Skylar Fall Cashmere
GourmandgrlGourmandgrl 2 years ago
Favorite fragrance types:
1) citrus (but not bergamot)
2) fresh/clean/soapy
3) peach
4) fruity + tropical
5) berry/plum/fig + vanilla + amber/musk
6) anything "autumn" (pumpkin spice, coffee shop, etc)
7) dessert-like fragrances that are hyper-realistic/true-to-life
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